PS5 Pro needed? MW3 DLC? RE9 open world? Games Inbox tackles it all.

Readers rage against Sonic & Silent Hill: Ascension, calling them the worst for Sega.

November 3rd 2023.

PS5 Pro needed? MW3 DLC? RE9 open world? Games Inbox tackles it all.
Should this be Sony’s priority? It's a question that has been on the minds of many gamers recently. It seems that all people are talking about is the possibility of a PS5 Pro, but I can’t help but think that it’s a bad idea. The PlayStation 5 has already cost people almost £1,200 with all its additional hardware and accessories, so why does Sony think that its loyal customers need to pay more? And why do they keep releasing hardware instead of games?

It’s no wonder that Jim Ryan is out of the picture. I think he and Sony had enough of the nonsense, and from where I’m standing, the Xbox looks like a better option. At least Microsoft hasn’t hinted at a new Xbox.

It’s no surprise that the Modern Warfare 3 is just reheated DLC, but that doesn’t make it any less of an issue. It’s outrageous that the game is £70, especially when it’s just DLC that would have probably been sold for £30 or less. There needs to be a reason for the sequel to exist, and it shouldn’t have been done at the last minute just to meet a release date.

Then there’s Konami, who I don’t trust at all. We all knew that Silent Hill: Ascension was going to be bad, and the fact that the Metal Gear Solid compilation was good is only because it was mostly done by Bluepoint. I hold out hope for Silent Hill and Townfall, but I know that if they work out, it will be in spite of Konami, not because of them.

I’m also hoping that Capcom doesn’t make Resident Evil 9 into an open world game. It would make it much more generic, and Resident Evil can’t afford that. I think Capcom knows this, given their success in the last decade, but I still feel like open world is being done too much in games, just to seem like value for money.

Finally, I think a podcast would be a great idea for GameCentral. It seems like a natural fit and I’m sure there would be plenty of listeners. It’s a shame that David Jenkins is no longer a part of GC, because he would have been a great podcast host.
Should this be Sony's priority? The Friday letters page has been debating whether Sonic the Hedgehog is the worst thing to ever happen to Sega, and one reader is unsurprised that Silent Hill: Ascension is bad. If you'd like to join in with the discussion, email the page to voice your opinion.

Before we get into that however, I'd like to address the rumours of a PS5 Pro that are going around. My message to Sony is a simple one: please stop. Every piece of PlayStation hardware this generation has cost us almost £1,200. That's not including the extra accessories like the Pure headset, DualSense Edge, and PS5 Slim. More hardware has been released this year than software, and that's pure ridiculous.

How much more money do they want from us? The PS5 Pro will be at least £500, maybe even £600, for only a minor difference in graphics and performance. Don't get me wrong, I'd love 60fps in all my games, but not at the cost of buying a whole new console for it. That's not even the point though. Sony, will you please stop messing around and just release some games? Why are they constantly releasing ultra expensive hardware and no games to go with them?

It's my opinion that Jim Ryan was forced to leave, and Sony is probably just as tired of him as the rest of us are. Xbox looks more and more like the better option, especially since there's been no hint of an Xbox Series XX.


Further proof that Modern Warfare 3 is just reheated DLC has been provided by the trophies. Anyone who buys the game this year is part of the problem, considering it's £70 for something that could've been sold at £30 tops. I'm not a Call Of Duty hater, I've enjoyed it plenty in the past, but there needs to be an actual product, not something cobbled together at the last minute.

Unless they added an ending at the last minute, there's going to need to be a Modern Warfare 4 to finish the story. I don't know which would be worse.

No surprises that Silent Hill: Ascension is bad, given that it always sounded like a terrible idea. I don't trust Konami anymore, and the only reason the Metal Gear Solid compilation was good was because Bluepoint already did most of the work. I do hold out hope for Silent Hill and Townfall though, and the new Contra game should be good, provided WayForward are making it. You can't just leave the industry for 10 years and expect to start making hits again with minimal effort.


I agree that Capcom has been on a good run lately, but I hope that Resident Evil 9 isn't open world. We've had some open world areas before, but they've always been small, and I think that's the best way to go. As soon as you make it open world, everything becomes generic, and Resident Evil can't afford to do that. I think Capcom knows that, given that they haven't made a bad game for over 10 years. This is a problem for a lot of games today, with publishers thinking that open world is both fashionable and a way to make it seem value for money.


I use an Astro A40 Headset and MixAmp for gaming and films, which was recommended to me by a GC reader. Recently, I dropped the MixAmp and the USB port is wobbly, so it won't work with my PC. I'm thinking of replacing it with a new one, so I was wondering if anyone could give me advice or recommendations. I connect the MixAmp to my LG 4K TV via the optical port, so I don't need to swap cables unless I want to game on PC.

Andrew J.

I'm sure some will have sneered at Sega suggesting they can still beat Mario with Sonic, but I have to admire their tenacity. However, they're further away than ever from doing it. Not only can they not put out one classic game, but they're up against 40 years of Mario excellence. It's impossible for them to ever compete 1:1. Sonic's success has been bad for Sega, as it's distracted them from their other projects.


Made In Britain, I was listening to an episode of the Back Page podcast the other day, and there was a brief shoutout to David Jenkins from GC. This got me thinking: did GC ever consider making or participating in a podcast before?

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