People living in certain postcodes are eligible for Cold Weather Payments of £25, £50, or £75 depending on their address.

Check if you can get help and if your location has had low temperatures.

March 6th 2023.

People living in certain postcodes are eligible for Cold Weather Payments of £25, £50, or £75 depending on their address.

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The current cold snap could signify that you may be eligible for a Cold Weather Payment.

Those who receive certain benefits in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland may be able to gain a £25 grant to help with costs associated to cold weather, such as additional heating.

It is not the same as the Winter Fuel Payment given to pensioners, but is instead a payment for every seven consecutive days when the average temperature in the area is 0°C or lower, up until March 31, 2023. Depending on the postcode, up to three payments of £25 can be made, amounting to £75 in total.

It is possible to check if your postcode is due one or more Cold Weather Payments through, or NI Direct website for those in Northern Ireland. Those eligible will not need to apply for the payment, as it should come through automatically. Those on Universal Credit can call the helpline or make a note on their UC journal. Scotland does not have a Cold Weather Payment, but instead has the Winter Heating Payment which is a yearly payment of £50 to those on certain benefits. A full list of postcodes due one, two or three payments is available on the website.

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The present cold snap could imply you're qualified for a Cold Weather Payment

As the UK braces for the coldest day of the year, some will ponder if they're eligible for a Cold Weather Payment. Adults of every age can be qualified for it, depending on their conditions. It's not the same as the Winter Fuel Payment, which is given to retirees.

Basically, the Cold Weather Payment is a £25 advantage. It's made for each seven consecutive days when the normal temperature in your region is recorded or anticipated to be 0°C or beneath. This is to help with additional costs, for example, warming, and is set up over the winter, until 31 March 2023. A few regions are expected three installments - totaling £75.

Subsequently, here's the thing that you have to know about qualification - including a full rundown of postcodes expected one or more Cold Weather Payments.

Who is qualified to get a Cold Weather Payment?

Individuals in England, Wales and Northern Ireland on specific advantages are qualified to get the installment when their territory gets sufficiently cold - though just in explicit conditions, for example, inability or having a kid under five living with you.

The £25 grant can help with different costs identified with chilly climate, for example, extra warming

There's more detail about what those conditions are on, however you may need to check your qualification if you get:

Pension Credit

Income Support

Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance

Income-related Employment and Support Allowance

Universal Credit

Support for Mortgage Interest

How to check if your postcode is expected a Cold Weather Payment

In England and Wales, utilize the postcode checker to see which postcodes are expected one or more Cold Weather Payments.

Northern Ireland likewise has Cold Weather Payments. Check your postcode on the NI Direct site.

Note on the off chance that you are expected to get one, it ought to come through naturally, so you don't have to apply for it. On the off chance that for any reason the installment doesn't arrive, tell your Pension Service or Jobcentre Plus. Those on Universal Credit can call the helpline on add an online note to your UC diary.

Scotland doesn't have Cold Weather Payments, though does note its comparable Winter Heating Payment. This is a yearly installment of £50 given to individuals on specific advantages to help with costs and doesn't rely upon how low the temperature falls.

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