Elon Musk makes light of BBC report showing an uptick in Twitter users spreading negative messages.

The report attributed the increase in online harassment to Musk's influence.

March 6th 2023.

Elon Musk makes light of BBC report showing an uptick in Twitter users spreading negative messages.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

Apologizing for transforming Twitter from a nurturing paradise into a place full of trolls, Elon Musk responded mockingly to a BBC report that highlighted the platform's difficulty in defending users from online abuse and child sexual exploitation. A former head of content design at Twitter, Lisa Jennings Young, stated that before the takeover, the platform was attempting to suppress trolling, which was widespread on the platform. A think tank from the Institute for Strategic Dialogue reported that since Musk took over, tens of thousands of new accounts have popped up and immediately followed known abusive and misogynistic profiles, with the figures being 69% higher than before he was in charge, indicating a 'permissive environment'. Ray Serrato, a former Twitter worker who tackled state-sponsored disinformation, said that the team he used to work for has been 'decimated' and only has reduced capacity now. Furthermore, Musk and Twitter have not responded to points raised in Panorama's investigations despite attempts to contact Musk via email, tweets and even a Twitter 'poll' with 40,000 users voting and 89% saying Musk should do an interview.

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