Owner arrested after dog dies from being left in hot car.

Sasha arrested after allegedly leaving pit bull in hot car for 20 hrs.

July 13th 2023.

Owner arrested after dog dies from being left in hot car.
Sasha Koval, 27, has been charged with aggravated animal cruelty after her pit bull was found dead in her car on June 22nd. It had been left in the car for about 20 hours in the heat of the day, with the temperature reaching 91 degrees Fahrenheit in Hollywood, Florida. Koval admitted to police that she had left the pup in the car while she went to work and then again after returning home.

No witnesses have been found and the investigation is still ongoing, however it is not clear if Koval left the windows cracked. Heatstrokes are a very real threat to dogs, according to the American Kennel Club, who state on their website that owners should never leave their dogs alone in a car, even with the windows cracked. Broward County’s animal laws also state it is against the law to leave an animal in a motor vehicle without adequate ventilation or expose it to extreme heat and cold.

This incident follows an increase in hot car child deaths. Through spring, there were roughly double the number of such deaths compared to the same time period in 2022. If convicted, Koval faces up to five years in prison and thousands of dollars in fines. Anyone with information on the incident is asked to contact the police department.

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