On Coronation Street, Lauren's bacon sandwich mistake is the most shocking thing we've witnessed.

The fear!

July 11th 2024.

On Coronation Street, Lauren's bacon sandwich mistake is the most shocking thing we've witnessed.
Last week on Coronation Street, viewers were finally given more insight into the disappearance of Lauren Bolton and her troubling relationship with Joel Deering. The scenes were intense and unsettling, leaving fans on the edge of their seats. However, amidst all the drama, there was one particular moment that caught the attention of viewers - the uncomfortable encounter between Lauren and a bacon sandwich.

Let us explain... On Monday, it was revealed that Lauren was still alive and had never been killed by Joel during his attack back in February. She had actually gone to the hospital to see Roy, who had suffered a heart attack. The next day, Joel confronted Lauren in a side-room, causing her to panic and fear for her life. But Joel, being the twisted individual that he is, tried to manipulate Lauren into believing that he had only been trying to protect her.

Through flashbacks, we saw Joel's manipulative tactics in action as he trapped Lauren, acted as her lawyer, and made false promises before giving her money to help with her troubles. Lauren, who had always been rejected in life, was grateful to have someone in her corner for once. However, it soon became clear that Joel wanted more than just gratitude from her. He coerced her into a toxic and violent sexual relationship, despite her clear discomfort and lack of consent.

In the present, Lauren bravely confronts Joel and exposes his sick actions, no longer afraid of him and calling him out for the monster that he truly is. It's revealed that the reason for Lauren's disappearance was her declaration that she was done with Joel and that Dee-Dee deserved better. But when she tried to stand up to him, Joel turned on her and left her for dead.

Amidst all the intense scenes, we also got a glimpse into what led up to Joel's attack on Lauren. She was seen in her kitchen, listening to the radio and making a bacon sandwich. But this seemingly innocent moment sparked controversy among fans on Reddit who couldn't help but comment on Lauren's excessive use of tomato ketchup on her sandwich. Some found it comical, while others thought it was simply criminal.

But of course, this light-hearted moment did not take away from the powerful and important storyline that was being portrayed. This is a storyline about a man preying on vulnerable women, and for actress Cait Fitton, there was a lot of pressure to accurately portray the traumatic experience. She worked closely with the Maggie Oliver Foundation, which helps survivors of sexual exploitation and abuse, and hoped to do justice to their stories.

Reflecting on her role, Cait said, "You feel like you have a duty of care to these people who have experienced it. You want to do it justice and show them that their story is being told. These issues need to be raised, and these girls need justice for what they've been through." She also shared the empowering message of turning pain into power, hoping that her character, Lauren, can do the same in the future.

In the end, Cait hopes that viewers take away the message that one bad experience does not define a person, and they have the power to turn their pain into something positive. And for those who love spoilers and behind-the-scenes gossip from their favorite soaps, Metro's WhatsApp Soaps community is the perfect place to be. With exclusive interviews, must-watch videos, and spoiler galleries, it's the ultimate destination for all soap fans. Join today and be the first to get all the latest updates!

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