The popular TV show Coronation Street will have a surprising comeback and a tragic funeral will cause chaos in the fictional town of Weatherfield.

Unnecessary plot twist.

September 24th 2024.

The popular TV show Coronation Street will have a surprising comeback and a tragic funeral will cause chaos in the fictional town of Weatherfield.
As the day of Paul Foreman's funeral approaches in Coronation Street, his family is in for a shock they never could have expected. It's been a tense time leading up to the service, with Paul's mother Bernie Winter and husband Billy Mayhew at odds over their differing ideas for the arrangements.

But despite their conflicting opinions, both Bernie and Billy are left with the same reaction when Paul's estranged father, Denny Foreman, makes a surprising appearance at the funeral. As the scenes unfold next week, Billy is filled with emotions as he prepares to lead the service on what would have been his and Paul's first wedding anniversary.

But when he arrives at the church, he is taken aback to find Denny lurking in the shadows, clearly intoxicated. Billy sternly orders him to behave and stay out of sight. Denny, who had been estranged from his children, showed up in Weatherfield in April after hearing about Paul's battle with motor neurone disease on a local radio station. Despite the concerns of Bernie and Billy, he and Paul were able to reconnect.

However, the tension between Bernie and Denny is palpable as they both attend their son's funeral. It's clear that Bernie is not pleased to see her ex after all these years. This is not surprising, considering that Paul had cut all ties with his father when he tried to steal his wheelchair.

As the service begins, Todd Grimshaw, Summer Spellman, Kit Green, David Platt, Chesney Brown, and Dee-Dee Bailey carry Paul's coffin down the aisle, with Bernie and Paul's twin sister Gemma Winter-Brown following closely behind. But what will happen when Bernie spots her ex among the congregation?

Be sure to tune in to Coronation Street on Wednesday, October 2nd at 8pm on ITV1 and ITVX to see how this unexpected reunion unfolds. And as always, don't hesitate to share your thoughts and join the community by leaving a comment below. We'd love to hear from you. You can also stay updated on all things soaps by visiting our homepage. And if you have any soap or TV stories, videos, or pictures, don't hesitate to email us - we're always on the lookout for new and exciting content.

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