Nursing student searched maternity ward for baby to kidnap.

Safia Ahmadei, 36, has been reported to show a special interest in a single newborn.

August 6th 2024.

Nursing student searched maternity ward for baby to kidnap.
Safia Ahmadei, a 36-year-old student nurse, is facing accusations that she planned to kidnap a premature baby while she was on placement at New Cross Hospital in Wolverhampton in February. According to the prosecution, Ahmadei had been regularly visiting the neonatal unit, where she had taken a special interest in one particular newborn. Witnesses claim that she even spoke to the baby's mother about their racial heritage, and had bought clothes and a comforter in preparation for taking the baby.

The prosecution alleges that Ahmadei had been scouting out potential babies to snatch, and had returned to the hospital with the intention of taking the chosen baby out of the ward. However, her plans were foiled by the intervention of nurses and the baby's parents. If it weren't for their actions, the prosecution believes that Ahmadei would have successfully kidnapped the baby.

Ahmadei was a first-year student at the University of Wolverhampton and was not assigned to the midwifery department, making her presence on the neonatal unit seem suspicious. Witnesses reported seeing her there multiple times, dressed in her student nurse uniform. On February 13, she was spotted looking at babies on the unit and acting strangely.

The prosecution claims that Ahmadei approached the baby's mother and asked her questions about the baby's background and sleeping arrangements. She seemed particularly interested in their racial heritage and whether they were Muslim and of Pakistani descent. Five hours later, Ahmadei returned to the ward and was found next to the baby's cot. A nurse who didn't recognize her questioned her presence and was given an explanation that didn't seem to add up.

When Ahmadei was asked to leave, she claimed that the baby's mother had given her permission to bring blankets. However, the mother denied this, and Ahmadei was asked to leave again. But she returned 15 minutes later, this time with a man who was later revealed to be her partner. They were both asked to leave, but Ahmadei's behavior didn't stop there.

The following day, Ahmadei was contacted by the university's head of undergraduate nursing and was told that she was suspended and should not go to her hospital placement. Despite this, she returned to the hospital two hours later, wearing a red coat over her uniform to try and avoid being recognized. She was unable to use her ID pass, so she tried to enter through the reception desk, but the baby's mother spotted her and confronted her. Nurses intervened, and the police were called.

During a search, officers found baby clothes and a comforter on Ahmadei, along with more baby clothes, a passport, and £1,500 in cash in her car. The prosecution believes that she had these items with her in case she needed to flee with the baby. Further evidence was found at her home, including more baby clothes, a changing bag, and baby bedding. The prosecution argued that these items support the assertion that Ahmadei had intended to take the baby.

The court also heard that issues such as miscarriage and grief may be mentioned during the trial. It remains to be seen how these will factor into the case against Ahmadei. The trial continues, and the prosecution is working to prove that Ahmadei had planned to kidnap the baby and that her actions were premeditated.

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