Ruschell Boone, NYC news anchor, has passed away due to cancer.

She used her strength to come back and got cheered on.

September 7th 2023.

Ruschell Boone, NYC news anchor, has passed away due to cancer.
It is with a heavy heart that the New York City news family announces the passing of Ruschell Boone, a reporter and lead anchor for NY1, who died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 48. Boone was an Emmy-Award-winning journalist, and her dedication to documenting the stories of her city was unparalleled.

The news station released a statement honoring her life and service, saying she had joined NY1 as the Queens reporter in 2002. She had a passion for her borough, dedicating herself to issues that directly affected residents, no matter how big or small.

Boone immigrated to the U.S. at 11 years old, moving to the Bronx from Jamaica. She was honored with awards from the New York Association of Black Journalists and the New York Press Club Award for her excellence in journalism.

In 2021, Boone was appointed to the noon anchor desk after almost two decades of field reporting, but just a year later, she announced she had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and would be undergoing treatment. Despite the diagnosis, she was determined to return to the anchor desk, and those who had been interviewed by her as a reporter knew of her strength firsthand. NYC Mayor Eric Adams, her first interviewee after returning from leave, offered words of support.

Sadly, Boone's battle with cancer ended with her passing, but the legacy she left behind will live on. She raised awareness for health, and her impact on her community will never be forgotten.

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