Nintendo fans are using shipping records to uncover secrets about the upcoming Switch 2.

People are eager to learn more about the power of Nintendo's new console, and some fans are going to great lengths to find out.

May 10th 2024.

Nintendo fans are using shipping records to uncover secrets about the upcoming Switch 2.
To truly call yourself a devoted fan of Nintendo, you must go above and beyond to gather insider information on their latest console. With the hype surrounding the new console, fans are going to great lengths to uncover any details they can.

As we've mentioned before, looking at technical specifications is not the most accurate way to gauge a console's power and game potential. These specs can be misleading and only your own eyes can truly judge the quality of a game on the hardware.

However, it's understandable that people are especially curious about the rumored Switch 2. There have been speculations that it could be less powerful than a PlayStation 4 or comparable to an Xbox Series S. The latest unofficial information seems to support the latter, but it's astonishing to see the lengths fans have gone to in order to obtain this information.

While there have been few leaks about the software lineup for the Switch 2, there has been a wealth of information on details such as the Joy-Cons, screen size, and potential tech specs. This is because, as with any new hardware launch, Nintendo has to work with external suppliers and manufacturers, who often reveal information before the official release.

This means that the rumors surrounding the Switch 2's specs are likely accurate, although they may still change before production begins. With this in mind, hardcore Nintendo fans have taken on a new hobby of tracking shipment and customs information between Nintendo and component suppliers like Nvidia.

While this may seem like a daunting task, these internet detectives have uncovered a surprising amount of information. This information has been reported on various forums and websites, revealing potential specs for the Switch 2, including 1536 CUDA Cores, 48 tensor cores, and 12 RT cores. It's speculated that the console will use the Ampere architecture with features from Ada, 8x ARM A78C, a file decompression engine, 12 GB LPDDR5X RAM, and 256 UFS 3.1.

In simpler terms, the Switch 2 is expected to be as powerful as an Xbox Series S, but with some differences in its hardware. This makes it difficult to make a direct comparison, as the Switch 2 will use Nvidia technology and have an ARM-based architecture, unlike the Xbox and PlayStation's x86 architecture.

Overall, the consensus is that the Switch 2 will be slightly more powerful than the PlayStation 4 in handheld mode, with the added benefit of DLSS technology to enhance resolution. When docked, it's expected to fall somewhere between a PS4 Pro and an Xbox Series S, considering the more modern and efficient hardware architecture.

The UFS 3.1 hard drive is also said to be slightly slower than the Xbox Series X/S, but with more internal memory. This information may seem a bit peculiar, but it aligns with previous rumors and suggests a significant improvement from the current Switch.

However, as recent events with Xbox have shown, the issue is no longer about the console's power, but the time and resources required to maximize its potential. Nintendo's president has acknowledged this and understands the importance of avoiding overworking employees and risking their jobs if a game is not successful.

We can only hope that Nintendo is taking this into consideration with the development of the Switch 2. Fans are eagerly awaiting its release and speculating on its potential, but the most important thing is to ensure the wellbeing of those involved in its creation.

As we continue to anticipate the launch of the Switch 2, we invite you to share your thoughts and predictions with us. You can also stay updated on all things gaming by subscribing to our newsletter and following us on social media. Let's keep the excitement going!

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