The New Moon in Gemini is the perfect opportunity to bring your star sign's tarot horoscope to life.

What's your desired outcome?

June 4th 2024.

The New Moon in Gemini is the perfect opportunity to bring your star sign's tarot horoscope to life.
People look up to you and admire your knowledge and wisdom. They seek your advice and guidance. This card is a reminder that you have a lot to offer and you should share your gifts with others. So broaden your horizons and let yourself be open to new experiences and teachings. You never know what gems you may find along the way.  
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo

Have you given any thought to what you might wish for? As we enter the phase of a New Moon, a three-day period of activation and new beginnings, now is the perfect time to kick things off and start fresh. This phase is all about initiating new ideas and creations, setting intentions, and turning the page to a new chapter in our lives.

This New Moon falls under the sign of Gemini, known for their curiosity, cleverness, and entrepreneurial spirit. It's also a sign associated with communication and commerce, making it an ideal time to focus on manifesting our desires into reality. From June 5th to June 7th, we have a powerful window to bring our desires into our lives through our will and attraction.

Ready to manifest? Let the guidance of the tarot lead you towards what you need to focus on during this time. Each zodiac sign has a specific card that can offer insight and direction for this phase.

Aries, from March 21st to April 20th, you're being reminded to live life on your own terms. The Devil card gives you permission to go after what you truly desire, even if it may go against the opinions of others. Whether it's a new romance, a passion project, or a competitive challenge, trust your instincts and swim your own lane.

For Taurus, from April 21st to May 21st, it's time to reap the rewards of your hard work and dedication. The Knight of Coins urges you to visualize success and make your demands known. Don't be afraid to raise your value and show others how you deserve to be treated.

Gemini, from May 22nd to June 21st, this New Moon is all about your connections and network. The Three of Coins reminds you of the power and potential of the relationships you've been building. Consider how your vast network can help you achieve your goals and aspirations.

Cancer, from June 22nd to July 23rd, it's time for a transformation. The Death card symbolizes change for the better, whether it's a physical makeover or a shift in your mindset. This is a pivotal moment to take control of your life and focus on your personal growth and development.

If you're looking to manifest love and family, Leo from July 24th to August 23rd, The Empress card represents a nurturing and loving energy. Use this time to create a blissful and safe space for yourself and those you love.

For Virgo, from August 24th to September 23rd, this New Moon is about broadening your horizons. The Hierophant card invites you to embark on a journey of spiritual enlightenment and share your knowledge and wisdom with others. Let yourself be open to new experiences and teachings for personal growth.

No matter what your zodiac sign, the New Moon in Gemini is a powerful time to manifest your desires into reality. Use this opportunity to set intentions, visualize your goals, and take action towards creating the life you truly desire. And if you're looking for guidance and tools to help you along the way, consider my Guided Magic Manifesting Journal, available on Amazon now.
What will you wish for during this New Moon phase? It's a special time, lasting three days, that's all about activating, initiating, creating, and starting anew. It's a chance to kick things off, get things moving, and turn the page with a clean slate. And with the New Moon in Gemini, a sign known for curiosity, cleverness, travel, entrepreneurship, communication, and commerce, this is the perfect opportunity to manifest your desires and bring something tangible into your life.

From June 5th to June 7th, the energy is ripe for manifestation. It's a time to harness your desires, willpower, and attraction to bring what you want into your realm. Are you ready to manifest? Let the guidance of the tarot lead you towards what you need to focus on right now.

For Aries, the New Moon in Gemini is represented by the card of The Devil. This is a reminder to live your life on your own terms, without worrying about what others may think or say. It's a time to give yourself full permission to go after what you truly desire, even if it may seem selfish or frivolous to others. Follow your heart and swim in your own lane, Aries.

Taurus, the Knight of Coins is your card for this New Moon. This is a sign that it's time to reap the rewards of your hard work and dedication over the past few years. Visualize the returns you want to see and be confident in asking for what you deserve. Remember, how you treat yourself sets the standard for how others treat you.

As for Gemini, the Three of Coins is a sign that it's all about who you know. You have built a strong network of connections over the years, and now is the time to tap into it. Consider how you can leverage your relationships and expand your opportunities. You may be surprised by the doors that open for you.

Cancer, the Death card is not as ominous as it may seem. It represents transformation and change for the better. This New Moon is a chance for you to manifest a powerful shift in your life, one that brings you closer to your desires and ambitions. Take control and put yourself first, Cancer.

If you're looking for a tool to help you manifest your desires, check out the Guided Magic Manifesting Journal. It's a great resource for beginners, combining tarot, astrology, crystals, and spirit guides to help you bring your desires into reality.

For Leo, the New Moon in Gemini is represented by The Empress, a card of nurturing and love. This is a time to focus on relationships, both with yourself and with others. Make your home a safe and loving place, and connect with your loved ones. This card also symbolizes fertility, so if that's something you desire, now is a great time to manifest it.

Virgo, the New Moon brings the energy of The Hierophant, a card that represents spiritual growth and enlightenment. This is a time to focus on your spiritual journey, whether it's through formal religion or other practices that nourish your spirit and mental well-being. Embrace the guidance of a mentor or teacher and elevate your spiritual ideals.

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