I got tired of not pursuing my sexual desires, so I decided to make a change.

It has brought me joy and maintained my sexual satisfaction for more than 10 years.

May 10th 2024.

I got tired of not pursuing my sexual desires, so I decided to make a change.
We all have our own secret desires and fantasies when it comes to sex. Some of them may be a bit wild and daring, while others may be a little more tame. But one thing is for sure, keeping track of these desires can add a whole new level of excitement and pleasure to your sex life. That's why I believe everyone should have a sex bucket list.

My own list includes things like having sex on the beach, having a threesome, and spending a naughty weekend in a luxurious hotel. These are just some of the activities that have kept my sex life exciting for over a decade. I first came across the idea of a sex bucket list when I was in my early 20s, when my friends and I took silly online quizzes to see how sexually adventurous we were. Back then, my fantasies were pretty vanilla, but I found myself wanting to push my boundaries and try new things.

And so, the sex bucket list was born. While it may seem a bit unconventional, I have found that there are many benefits to keeping track of your sexual activities in this way. For starters, it can open you up to new worlds of pleasure. This was certainly my experience when I checked "have a threesome" off my list.

I'm sure this is not an uncommon fantasy, as experts at Sinful have revealed that threesomes are the third most popular sexual fantasy among Brits. But for me, it was an eye-opening and enlightening experience. It felt a bit forbidden, which is why I added it to my list in the first place. And while I never planned for it to actually happen, I found myself in a situation where I had the opportunity to make it a reality. And let me tell you, it was pretty incredible. The attention was all on me, and the satisfaction of ticking this off my list was almost as good as having an orgasm.

Having a sex bucket list can not only lead to new and exciting experiences, but it can also help you discover new aspects of your sexuality. This was certainly the case for me when I had my first same-sex threesome. The power dynamic was different, and I found myself in charge this time. It wasn't something I had planned for, but it ended up being a happy coincidence that made me view my sexuality in a whole new light. That's why I believe everyone should have their own sex bucket list.

We all have things we're eager to try in the bedroom, whether we're single or in a relationship. And having a list can serve as the perfect motivator to actually make these desires a reality. As I've learned, trying out new things can not only lead to incredible pleasure, but it can also help us discover a new side of ourselves. So take the time to make your sex bucket list your own. And don't be afraid to use other people's lists as inspiration, but remember not to compare your sex life to anyone else's.

A recent study ranking the top 10 sexual desires revealed that women's biggest fantasy is to recreate a sex scene from their favorite movie or TV show. Men, on the other hand, dream of having sex with their favorite celebrity or their "best looking" female friend or colleague. While these may seem like unattainable fantasies, it's important to aim big and never stop exploring your desires.

For me, my bucket list includes things like mutual masturbation, public sex, and sex on the beach. While the first two were incredibly enjoyable experiences, the latter was a bit of a disappointment. I learned that sometimes the fantasy is better than the reality. But I have no regrets about trying it because at least I can say I gave it a go and don't have to wonder "what if."

It's important to remember that even though it may seem like a "to-do list," your sex bucket list should never feel like a chore. Sex should always be enjoyable, and if you push yourself too far too fast, you may not fully enjoy the experience. So take your time and make your list your own.

If you're single, don't be afraid to be adventurous and explore your desires. And if you're in a relationship, don't be afraid to share your fantasies with your partner. You never know, they may have similar desires and it can bring a whole new level of excitement to your relationship. Or you can create a brand new list together, which is something my partner and I have recently started doing. It's a thrilling and intimate experience to share our desires with each other and make them a reality.

And that's the beauty of a sex bucket list – it can be a constant work in progress. As long as you're open to new experiences and keep exploring your desires, your list will continue to grow and evolve. And that's something that I find truly exciting. Because it's never too late to have great sex and fulfill your dirtiest dreams.

Do you have a sex bucket list? I'd love to hear about it. Share your thoughts in the comments below. And if you have a story you'd like to share, don't hesitate to reach out. We can't wait to hear from you.

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