Nikki Haley fails to acknowledge slavery as the primary cause of the Civil War.

She could risk losing support from one person due to her actions.

December 28th 2023.

Nikki Haley fails to acknowledge slavery as the primary cause of the Civil War.
Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, has stirred up quite the controversy surrounding the Civil War. During a town hall in Berlin, New Hampshire, a potential voter asked her what caused the war. Her response was that it was about "how government was going to run...the freedoms and what people could and couldn't do". The voter felt she was dodging the question and asked her again. She then inquired about what he really wanted her to say about it and said "What do you want me to say about slavery? Next question".

This response did not sit well with many people, and quickly made it to social media. President Joe Biden answered the question for her and said "It was about slavery". He was not the only one to speak out about her response. Nikole Hannah Jones, founder of the 1619 Project, tweeted "It’s not even a hard question. It’s absurd that she felt she had to evade the question to avoid political liability."

The Rev. William J. Barber spoke to CNN’s Abby Phillip about Haley’s lack of regard. He said "It was about the oppression of Black men and women. It was about turning human beings into chattel."

This isn't the first time Haley has had her share of controversy over the Civil War. During her gubernatorial campaign in 2010, she referred to the Confederate flag as being “not something that is racist”. Her recent response to the cause of the Civil War has only further sparked the debate.

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