Netflix viewers unexpectedly moved by comedy, resulting in tears and newfound appreciation for the film.

Fans are surprised by their intense feelings.

August 8th 2024.

Netflix viewers unexpectedly moved by comedy, resulting in tears and newfound appreciation for the film.
Olivia Colman and Charlie Reid are the stars of the heartwarming film, Joyride. Released in 2022, the film recently made its debut on Netflix, and viewers were pleasantly surprised by its unexpected emotional depth.

The film follows the story of Mully and Joy, played by Colman and Reid respectively, who embark on an unexpected road trip together. Initially, viewers may have expected a light-hearted comedy, but as the film progresses, it becomes clear that there is much more to this story.

Social media has been buzzing with rave reviews for Joyride, with many viewers expressing their surprise at how deeply the film touched them. One viewer, Lauren, tweeted, "Watched Joyride on Netflix thinking it was going to be a silly little comedy film with Olivia Colman.... I'm SOBBING." Another fan, Liz Cannings, had similar sentiments, tweeting, "I've so many words but very little to explain just how amazing this film is... just watch it!"

Melanie Hewitt, another viewer, summed up the film perfectly, tweeting, "Oh, blimey. Joyride over on the Netflix is an absolute joy of a film. Charlie Reid, the sixteen co-star to Olivia Colman is going to go far. Tender, funny and warm. It was just what I needed tonight. It will go straight to your heart. Night, you lot."

The film centers around the unexpected friendship between Mully and Joy. Mully, who recently lost his mother to cancer, meets Joy, a solicitor who is struggling to come to terms with an unexpected pregnancy later in life. The two of them bond over their unique predicaments and find solace in each other's company.

Olivia Colman, who plays Joy in the film, shared her love for the character and the script, saying, "I loved the character of Joy. I couldn't get her out of my head once I'd read the script. I loved how it was all put together. I loved the story and I really wanted to do it." She went on to describe Joy as a strong and independent woman, with a difficult past that has made it hard for her to form relationships.

The film's unexpected emotional depth and heartwarming story have received high praise from viewers and critics alike. If you haven't seen Joyride yet, it's available to watch on Netflix. And if you have any celebrity stories, videos, or pictures, don't hesitate to get in touch with The Agency entertainment team. You can email them, call them, or visit their Submit Stuff page – they'd love to hear from you.

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