Foreign nationals on helicopter missing near Mt. Everest.

Chopper stopped communicating with tower after takeoff.

July 11th 2023.

Foreign nationals on helicopter missing near Mt. Everest.
Reports have emerged of a helicopter carrying six people going missing near Mount Everest in Nepal. The aircraft, operated by private company Manang Air, was headed for Kathmandu from Solukhumbu and lost contact with the control tower at around 10am local time.

Tribhuvan International Airport manager Gyanendra Bhul said the chopper had been at 12,000ft when communications were cut off. The planned flight route had been changed due to bad weather, according to Airport official Sagar Kadel.

A search and rescue mission has been launched, with another helicopter already scouring the area. The missing helicopter's GPS tracking system is being analysed to try and determine its last known exact location.

The identities of the passengers travelling in the helicopter have yet to be confirmed, though they are thought to be Mexican nationals. The pilot has been identified as senior captain Chet B Gurung and the flight's call sign is 9N-AMV.

This is an ongoing situation and The Agency will be providing updates as they become available. Stay connected with us on Twitter and Facebook, and sign up for our daily push alerts for the latest news.

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