Review of Little Goody Two Shoes warns against condemning the game without playing it first.

Indie game blends Stardew Valley & Silent Hill for unique success.

November 9th 2023.

Review of Little Goody Two Shoes warns against condemning the game without playing it first.
Little Goody Two Shoes is an unexpected delight in the midst of the year's many AAA titles. A peculiarly successful mix of genres, it combines Stardew Valley with Silent Hill to create an eerie and captivating experience.

The game is based on a children's story from the 18th century, though in this version the heroine is far from virtuous. You play as Elise, who has been frustrated with her life ever since her grandmother passed away. When she discovers a strange girl named Rozenmarine in her shed, and a pair of luxurious red shoes, she believes her fate can be changed.

Little Goody Two Shoes is a horror narrative adventure, and Elise soon finds herself entangled in dark business. During the day, she does odd jobs for the nearby village to get by, while secretly resenting most of its inhabitants. This part of the game is reminiscent of Harvest Moon, as the day is split into six sections and you are free to do whatever you want, such as talking to people, running errands, and exploring Elise's sapphic love life.

However, there is a practical concern that you must manage- you need to stay fed or else you can die of starvation. To do this, you must do side quests and mini-games to get money to buy food and provisions for further exploration. You also have to manage your reputation and prevent the townsfolk from getting suspicious about you and Rozenmarine.

At night, the horror elements come to the fore, with the woods filled with ghosts and goblins. There is no combat, and instead you must solve a series of abstruse puzzles to progress. Unfortunately, it is often too difficult and you end up resorting to trial and error. Furthermore, exploring at night requires a lot of matches, and it is easy to run out and have to resort to an earlier save.

The visuals and soundtrack are remarkably attractive, with pixel artwork and drawn characters resembling early 90s anime. The game also does an excellent job of blending all the genres together, making it an unpredictable and unique experience.

Little Goody Two Shoes is a perfect example of why gaming needs indie titles just as much as big budget blockbusters. It might not be perfect, but it is a wonderful and captivating experience that you won't forget.

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