My vision of India in future

India is a country with a rich culture and heritage. It has been the birthplace of many inventions and innovations. With India being the second most populous country in the world, it is expected that it will be one of the leading countries in the future.

My vision of India in the future is that it will be more developed than what we can imagine today. I believe that this can happen if we are able to bring together all sections of society to work on a common objective. The government should be able to provide better infrastructure and security for all citizens as well as help them with their day-to-day life problems.

India has always been an inspiration for me because of its diverse culture, traditions, and heritage which reflects on every aspect of life - from food to attire, from festivals to celebrations. 

My vision of India in the future is that it will be a developed country with a thriving economy and an excellent infrastructure. The Indian government will provide efficient healthcare for all citizens, education for all children, and affordable housing for all citizens. The government will also focus on reducing poverty through various initiatives such as providing job opportunities to the underprivileged and giving them access to education.

India is also one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. I believe that in the future, India will be more prosperous and will be an example for other countries to follow. 

The future of India I envision is one that has an efficient government with better infrastructure and an improved education system, where everyone can find their own place in society without any discrimination based on caste or religion. I also envision that India will have strong leadership from a woman who is able to take charge of the country's affairs without corruption or nepotism.

