MP warns Westminster is a dangerous place to work due to predators.

MP Luke Pollard says Parliament is the least professional workplace he's ever seen.

April 15th 2023.

MP warns Westminster is a dangerous place to work due to predators.
The recent news of predators operating in Westminster has been concerning, with Shadow Minister Luke Pollard MP warning that the Commons has become an ‘unprofessional workplace’ for young staffers. Mr Pollard is calling for a change, stressing that Westminster should be a place of strength and hope that people aspire to work from, rather than letting the rest of the country down. It is essential that we work together to make the workplace a safe environment for everyone.

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Luke Pollard MP has warned that Westminster is an unsafe place to work for young staffers, as predators are often allowed to go unchecked. He has expressed his disappointment that the Commons has become a 'bear pit' where people are 'deliberately shouted down', and called for the situation to be improved. In light of the recent scandals over alleged bullying and harassment from MPs, Mr Pollard wants Westminster to become a place that people aspire to work from and to embody the best of our country. He believes that changing this will lead to a positive transformation and create a safe and supportive environment for all.

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