Mother sentenced to 21 life terms for sexually abusing her own children.

A woman in America made and shared videos of herself committing terrible crimes on social media.

June 28th 2024.

Mother sentenced to 21 life terms for sexually abusing her own children.
A mother from Florida has been sentenced to 21 life terms in prison, as well as 800 years, after being found guilty of "evil and horrific" sexual crimes against her own children. In 2022, Assistant State Attorney Katy Reid revealed that 26-year-old Natalie Wagner had recorded videos of herself engaging in sexual acts with her one and three-year-old children. Shockingly, she then proceeded to sell these videos on the popular social media app, Snapchat, to users who made specific requests for what they wanted to see.

Reid expressed her disgust, stating, "She was their mother. The one person who should have protected them from such atrocities." The investigation began when two complaints were made to Snapchat about someone advertising sex with their children. These complaints were traced back to Wagner, who lived in Port St Lucie, Florida. The US National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children was then able to track an IP address and pinpoint Wagner's location.

The police searched her home and phone, where they discovered over 20 explicit videos, some of which included the family dog. They also found Snapchat messages where Wagner discussed transmitting the videos. "Some of the things she was saying were just sickening," Reid stated. "She would even ask for suggestions on what to do to her three-year-old and then transmit the video to get feedback on how pleased they were with her actions."

Wagner was charged and convicted on over 80 counts, including incest, using a child in sexual performance, and transmitting child pornography. It was revealed that she was financially struggling, but even with the small amount of money she received for the videos, Reid believes she must have been getting some sort of satisfaction from these heinous acts.

In most cases involving crimes against children, prosecutors will offer plea deals to defendants to spare the children from having to go through a trial. However, this was not the case for Wagner. Reid stated, "There was absolutely no deal for this woman. She needed to be locked away and the key thrown away." The judge handed down the maximum possible sentence.

Reid also mentioned that the people who requested the videos will also be investigated. The focus now shifts towards ensuring that the children have a brighter future and are not forever impacted by their traumatic past. Both children are now in the care of new guardians, and the three-year-old has received counseling. Reid hopes that the one-year-old will never have to know what they went through.

It's important to note that the sentence only applies to the crimes committed against the three-year-old. Wagner still faces charges for the alleged crimes against the one-year-old, which could result in an even longer sentence if she is convicted again. Wagner's husband is also facing charges, as Wagner revealed that she had kept her actions hidden from him. Although it appeared to be true, he is still being charged for failing to protect his children.

If you or someone you know is a victim of sexual assault or domestic violence, support is available from the National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service at 1800RESPECT. For those under 25, Kids Helpline can be reached at 1800 55 1800. Stay updated on the latest breaking news, celebrity updates, and sports news by following our WhatsApp channel. No comments, no algorithms, and your private details are safe with us.

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