Kevin Maxen is the first openly gay male coach in the US.

Maxen is embracing his identity and refusing to let it limit what he can achieve; he now encourages acceptance of LGBTQ+ people in sports.

July 27th 2023.

Kevin Maxen is the first openly gay male coach in the US.
Kevin Maxen, the Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Jacksonville Jaguars, made history recently when he became the first American male coach to come out as openly gay. Maxen shared his decision with Outsports, saying: “I don’t want to feel like I have to think about it anymore. I don’t want to feel like I have to lie about who I am seeing or why I am living with someone else.”

The Jaguars organization, and especially its owner Shad Khan, have been supportive of Maxen’s decision. Khan has even backed city ordinances broadening protections for those in the LGBTQ+ community in Jacksonville, Florida. Marcus Pollard, the Jaguars’ Director of Player Development, shared his admiration for Maxen’s hard work and dedication: “In an environment that is diversifying, it is a privilege to work alongside Kevin, who is hardworking, dedicated, and thriving as a strength and conditioning coach for the Jacksonville Jaguars.”

Brandon Linder, a former Jaguars center, was the first person Maxen came out to, and the story resonates with him deeply. Linder shared his joy for Maxen’s decision, saying: “It was truly an honor and extremely humbling when I was one of the first people Kevin confided to about his sexuality. I can’t imagine how hard that must have been, not knowing what my reaction would be. I remember the day he told me. I was so elated for him to get that off his chest. Kevin, I’m proud to call you a friend and excited to see what the future holds for you, Kev. I know your story can help so many people. You the man! All shall be well!”

The NFL has long been criticized for its lack of racial diversity, but players seem to be open to accepting members of the league who identify as LGBTQ+. Maxen's story is a sign of hope for those who have felt they had to hide who they are in order to work in American sports. Maxen himself shared the unique perspective he has on his identity, saying: “As a Black Jew who has dated both men and women, who has been a strength coach at the highest level of professional football, I’ve learned that how I look, what I believe in, and especially who I am physically or emotionally attracted to should not impact the way I or other people view my worth. And It should certainly not dictate what I feel I am capable of accomplishing.”

The story of Kevin Maxen is a cause for celebration and hope, as it has opened the door for more players and coaches in the NFL to be their true selves. Maxen’s courage to come out as openly gay has been met with immense support from the Jaguars organization and other NFL players, and will hopefully pave the way for more LGBTQ+ members of the league to feel comfortable and accepted in their work environments.

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