Men have one fear when it comes to the bedroom.

Don't shame others, it's never the solution.

July 19th 2024.

Men have one fear when it comes to the bedroom.
My experience with using sex toys in the bedroom has been an interesting journey. When I was in my early 20s, I encountered a situation where my partner was offended by my suggestion of incorporating a sex toy into our lovemaking. It was a moment that I had worried about, but it thankfully turned out to be an isolated incident.

Like many women, I have come to realize that my orgasm is a fickle beast. Some days, it is easily achieved, while other days, it seems to elude me. That's why I sometimes need assistance in reaching climax, and for me, that assistance comes in the form of a vibrator.

I want to make it clear that my use of a sex toy is not a reflection of my partner's abilities or the adequacy of his penis. On the contrary, his physical and manual skills are top-notch. However, my body sometimes needs a little extra help, and that's where my trusty vibrator comes in.

I have been fortunate to have had very few issues with using sex toys with my lovers since that incident in my early 20s. I believe this is because I didn't start exploring the world of sex tech until I felt more confident and secure in myself. However, I know that my experience may not be the same for other women.

I have spoken to many women who have expressed hesitation in using sex toys with their partners due to embarrassment or fear of their partner's negative reaction. But recently, my current partner, who is comfortable with incorporating toys, gave me the best sex I've had in a long time.

My libido had been dipping lately due to stress and a busy schedule, making it harder for me to relax and achieve orgasm during sex. But one day, while cleaning the house, I stumbled upon a clitoral massager that I hadn't used in a while. I took it as a sign and decided to charge it up.

Later that night, I experienced my first-ever multiple orgasm. It was an incredible experience, and I believe that the key factor was being able to share it with my partner. He is one of the most enthusiastic lovers I've ever had, and he considers my pleasure as essential in our sex life.

During our session, there was a moment where I hesitated and pulled the vibrator away from my body. But my partner was the one who grabbed my hand and put the toy back where it belonged. It was a reassuring and supportive gesture that made me appreciate him even more.

I wish more men would behave this way with their sexual partners when incorporating toys into their sex lives. I understand that there can be a sense of delicacy and ego involved, but it's important to trust in your abilities and embrace new experiences with your partner.

Using sex toys is a preference, and not every woman may enjoy it. But we all want our partners to care about our pleasure and not feel threatened by the use of toys. It's essential to communicate and encourage each other's preferences and avoid shaming or making unnecessary comments.

There are also plenty of products for men, and it can be a lot of fun if you learn to let go of insecurities and embrace new experiences. Talking openly and honestly about your preferences is key, and in my case, a brief chat with my partner before incorporating toys into our lovemaking made the experience even more enjoyable.

Sex is about so much more than just physical pleasure. It's about the connection we have with our partners, the sensations we feel, and the experiences we share. So, if your partner suggests using a sex toy, remember that they have chosen to share this experience with you, toy or no toy. And that's something special.

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