Men and women approach love differently, with the 'zero' dating theory highlighting the key difference.

Be realistic; don't get too optimistic.

December 30th 2023.

Men and women approach love differently, with the 'zero' dating theory highlighting the key difference.
Have you ever found yourself disappointed in love? A new TikTok dating theory might explain why. Hannah Berner and Paige DeSorbo, the hosts of the Giggly Squad podcast, recently discussed the 'Zero Theory', which suggests that heterosexual women tend to romanticise men when they start dating them, while men go in with no expectations.

But why do people romanticise potential partners? Georgina Sturmer, a registered counsellor, suggests that this behaviour might be a result of traditional stereotypes, as well as a lack of self-esteem. According to Georgina, when we romanticise our partners, we're putting a huge amount of hope into what our partner represents for us, which could indicate a lack of confidence or self-esteem. It could also show that we're anxious about being single.

Starting from 100 in relationships isn't usually a productive approach, and it can often lead to disappointment. Georgina advises taking a step back, and approaching relationships with a 50/50 mindset. This way, we can enjoy the initial burst of romance, but also look out for any red flags or warning signs.

Finally, Georgina suggests remembering that we're all just people, with our own pasts, lives, and mistakes. Dating offers us a chance to build connections and learn something about ourselves in the process. So, next time you find yourself in a relationship, why not see it as an opportunity to grow and learn, rather than expecting perfection?

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