Thousands of private messages from celebs, incl. Shane Warne, could be leaked due to hacking.

He sent a large number of personal messages.

December 30th 2023.

Thousands of private messages from celebs, incl. Shane Warne, could be leaked due to hacking.
Shane Warne's messages to a journalist are in danger of being leaked after he was hacked. Channel Seven showbiz reporter Peter Ford was the target of the hackers, and he is now worried that his messages with celebrities like Warne, Joan Rivers, and Lisa Wilkinson could potentially be released.

Ford expressed his fears to The Daily Telegraph, saying, "Through the years I’ve gathered some great correspondence from angry celebs telling me off. Everyone from Daryl Somers, Lisa Wilkinson to Derryn Hinch." He went on to say that he had "hundreds, maybe thousands of private messages, usually Twitter DMs," from the late cricket star.

Ford had been involved in a few Twitter spats with Wilkinson, so the content of their messages could be a cause for concern. The showbiz reporter was also close to Warne, who unfortunately passed away in March 2022. His death led to an outpouring of grief from all over the world, with Elton John and Chris Martin even performing at a State memorial for him. An autopsy revealed that he had died of natural causes.

This news follows the sentencing of Arion Kurtaj, a teenager who hacked and stole the source code for the upcoming Grand Theft Auto 6 game and attempted to blackmail the company with its release. He also stole 90 clips of the game while out on bail for previous hacking offences. The judge ruled that Kurtaj must remain in a secure psychiatric hospital for life, as he still poses a risk to the public.

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