People who overcharge customers could be fined up to $50 million under recently implemented regulations.

New legislation proposed for parliament aims to hold corporations accountable for unethical actions.

September 11th 2024.

People who overcharge customers could be fined up to $50 million under recently implemented regulations.
Next week, a new bill will be presented to parliament that could result in hefty fines for supermarkets and other companies if they are caught taking advantage of customers through price gouging. This bill, modeled after similar laws in the European Union, would empower the ACCC (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission) to take legal action against corporations found guilty of unlawfully inflating prices.

If a company is found guilty of this offense, they could face a maximum civil penalty of $50 million. This move comes in response to the increasing concern over corporations making excessive profits while everyday Australians struggle to keep up with the rising costs of essentials like rent, food, and energy. In an effort to combat this issue, the ACCC would also have the authority to compel companies to lower their product prices.

The Greens, a political party in Australia, will be introducing this bill next week after giving notice of it today. According to Senator Nick McKim, the Greens' economic justice spokesperson, this bill is necessary to address the rampant price gouging that is causing a crisis for everyday Australians. He stated, “Australians are being hit hard by the soaring prices of necessities, while corporations continue to rake in massive profits. This needs to stop.”

The bill is being seen as a stand against the unchecked greed of corporations that is contributing to the cost of living crisis. Senator McKim further explained, “Our proposed legislation will make it illegal for companies with significant market power to charge excessive prices for goods and services. It's a clear choice – either support the big corporations who are profiting from people's struggles, or stand with the hardworking Australians who are barely getting by.”

In addition to this bill, the Greens have also taken action against Sydney's lord mayor over plans to cut a golf course, and have encouraged people to stay updated on breaking news, celebrity updates, and sports news through their WhatsApp channel. This channel promises to be a safe and private space where individuals can stay informed without any intrusive algorithms or the risk of their personal information being shared.

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