Matty reveals to Moira that he is gay and they have a heart-to-heart conversation about it. Moira is surprised, but supportive, and the two of them share a hug.

Moira was about to think that nothing could shock her anymore, when she learned about the creepy clowns.

February 20th 2023.

Matty reveals to Moira that he is gay and they have a heart-to-heart conversation about it. Moira is surprised, but supportive, and the two of them share a hug.

As if the past few months haven't been enough! Moira has been trying to keep it together in the wake of Kyle's hearing in Emmerdale but Matty's news could be about to break her.

She's been desperate to reunite Cain with his son and has acted as the rock for her family while Amy has been adamant at denying Cain access. But there is a seriously sneaky reason behind Amy's unshakeable resolve, and Matty is about to blow it all wide open.

Amy has revealed to both Matty and Victoria that she wants full custody of Kyle, and Matty questions whether this really is in Kyle's best interests. For now, Amy has only one thing on her mind and that's getting Kyle through the hearing, which has finally rolled around.

For Cain, the tension and the wait are too much and having had enough of being denied access, he bulldozes his way into Keepers. Amy is livid at this bail term breach, but secretly knows she can use this to her advantage. Caleb implores Amy to let it go for Kyle's sake, and then the phone rings with news.

Amy spontaneously proposes to Matty and Moira is over the moon at the thought of a new daughter-in-law, but she notices a key fact about the proposal – she is more excited than Matty.

She corners Matty and encourages her son to share what's on his mind. This is where Matty drops a bombshell – he's sceptical as he wonders if Amy might have proposed as part of her bid for full custody.

Cathy devastated in Emmerdale after she violently explodes at stunned Bob

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Emmerdale star Charley Webb reveals stunning hair transformation

Wendy is devastated to hear that Bob has had sex with Bernice in Emmerdale

He doesn't believe Amy truly wants to marry him.

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