Arthur is upset after his dad sends him away to live with his grandparents because Marshall left the show. It's clear that Marshall's departure has really affected Arthur, who is now struggling to cope.

Our hearts are breaking as we watch this video of a dog being forced to swim in a pool of water while his handler tries to keep him afloat. The dog is clearly distressed and is struggling to stay afloat. We hope that the dog's handler will be able to find a way to help him and that he will be able to recover from this traumatic experience.

February 20th 2023.

Arthur is upset after his dad sends him away to live with his grandparents because Marshall left the show. It's clear that Marshall's departure has really affected Arthur, who is now struggling to cope.

Arthur is in for even more heartbreak this week with his crush Marshall in Emmerdale. The pair have manged to get past Marshall’s terrible prank after he confessed that he meant everything he’d said that night about wanting to date Arthur. The pair then went on to almost share a kiss and things seemed sweet, which is right when Marshall’s homophobic dad Colin rudely interrupted with a phone call.

Colin was the one to get the LGBTQ+ assembly cancelled, and he hasn’t yet finished unleashing hell. He is not happy that his son and Arthur are friends and goes to extremes to stop them from hanging out.

After Colin shared his views, Marshall suddenly began asserting that being gay is disgusting. But lovesick Arthur refuses to turn his back on Marshall and vows to support him through this identity crisis.

But there’s worse to come for Arthur, thanks to Marshall’s bigoted dad. Arthur is crushed to learn that Colin is sending Marshall to boarding school.

Cathy devastated in Emmerdale after she violently explodes at stunned Bob.

Bob is left reeling after Cathy’s explosive reaction and Wendy is left heartbroken after learning about the affair. To rub salt into the gaping wound, Marshall brushes off his feelings and says they were only friends anyway so he’s not bothered.

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