Sharon Osbourne confessed to pooping in her husband Ozzy's drugs on a wild family vacation.

Yes, it's true.

November 28th 2023.

Sharon Osbourne confessed to pooping in her husband Ozzy's drugs on a wild family vacation.
Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne have been together since 1982, when they got married in Hawaii. Over the years, Sharon has gone to some extreme lengths to stop Ozzy's drug and alcohol use, as the Black Sabbath frontman has been open about his past with substance abuse. In the latest instalment of the Osbournes Podcast, Sharon reflected on what she had done to help her husband stay sober - and it's something no one expected.

The story goes like this: while the family were on holiday in Hawaii back in 1995, daughter Kelly Osbourne found Ozzy's weed stash and showed it to her mom. Instead of simply getting rid of it, Sharon had a different plan: she pooed in the bag and zipped it back up. Kelly then revealed, "When he found out, he went nuts and chased us down the hallway."

As the family laughed about the moment, Jack Osbourne added, "The funny thing was – as an adult – it wasn’t like it was 10lbs of the most expensive weed. Literally the s**ttiest weed and he went f**king nuts." Sharon then shared that she had done something similar in the past to stop Ozzy from drinking. She had rubbed the brandy bottle around her a**e, and when Ozzy took a swig she said, "I did."

The couple's romance has certainly been a rollercoaster, but Ozzy has previously commended Sharon for sticking by his side and credits her for being alive today. In an interview last year, he said, “If it wasn’t for Sharon, I’d be dead. People wouldn’t know if I was going to go through the door, the roof or the window. Now I don’t drink or smoke or f**king do any of that s**t, I’m f**king boring.”

Sharon and Ozzy are parents to three children - Aimee, Jack, and Kelly - and their family story is one that shows how love can be powerful enough to overcome any challenge.

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