Marsai Martin shares her experience of dealing with a "grapefruit-sized" ovarian cyst, describing it as "debilitating pain" she had to endure.

Marsai Martin shares her experience with ovarian cysts, showing that she is just like everyone else.

April 12th 2023.

Marsai Martin shares her experience of dealing with a
Marsai Martin is proudly sharing her story of overcoming a "grapefruit-sized" ovarian cyst, which was causing her debilitating pain. In December 2022, the 18-year-old Black-ish alum opened up about her health journey during an Instagram Live session.

In a recent op-ed for Women’s Health, Martin went into further detail about being diagnosed with the cyst four years ago and deciding to get it surgically removed. She shared how hard it was to find personal stories of women who she could relate to, and that’s what motivated her to become an advocate for reproductive health.

"I was scared after receiving my diagnosis," she wrote. "As a young Black woman, I wanted to hear from women who looked like me that I was going to be ok."

Martin is now using her platform to spread awareness and provide a voice to others facing similar health issues. She hopes to help fill the void of information and representation for people of color in the reproductive health space.

Marsai Martin recently opened up about her "debilitating pain" and "grapefruit-sized" ovarian cyst, which she decided to have removed. The 18-year-old Black-ish alum wrote an inspiring op-ed for Women's Health, where she shared her story and the journey she took to get to a place of understanding and acceptance.

When first diagnosed, she struggled to find support online or stories of people she could relate to. She was scared, but determined to be a voice for people who may not have had access to the same resources as her.

"I wanted to hear from women who looked like me that I was going to be ok," Martin said. With her Instagram Live session and her op-ed, she is providing that support for others. She is an inspiring example of how, even in the face of adversity, we can find our strength and be a force of positivity in the world.

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