Man ready to conquer uncharted territory on Earth.

He begins his journey at the end of August and it will last for 50 days.

July 20th 2024.

Man ready to conquer uncharted territory on Earth.
Ash Dykes is a man who is no stranger to challenges. He has faced numerous difficult situations in the past, from surviving malaria to being held at gunpoint. But now, he is gearing up to take on a new and exciting challenge.

This 33-year-old adventurer from north Wales is about to embark on a journey to one of the most unexplored regions on Earth - Suriname. This lush and green country is located deep in the Amazon rainforest. Ash's goal is to scale the country's two highest peaks and kayak from the source of the Coppename River to the sea. But before he can even begin his journey, he has to find his way through the dense jungle.

Suriname has never been fully mapped due to the thick canopy of the rainforest, which makes it difficult to get accurate coordinates. But Ash is determined to succeed and set three Guinness World Records in the process - two for speed and one for being the first person to go through Suriname.

When asked about what inspired him to become an adventurer, Ash shared that as a child, he used to watch adventure TV shows and dream of exploring places like the Alps and the Great Wall of China. He also credits his grandfather, who used to live in Pakistan and India, for sharing incredible travel stories with him. Ash's passion for exploring the world is in his DNA, and he has been planning his next challenge for quite some time.

Despite having already achieved impressive feats such as trekking across Mongolia, hiking the length of Madagascar, and exploring the Yangtze River in China, Ash knows that Suriname will bring a whole new set of challenges. The lack of accurate satellite imagery for the area means that he will have to rely solely on his own senses and instincts while navigating through the rainforest.

But Ash is no stranger to pushing his own boundaries and constantly adapting to new situations. He sees his challenges as a career and is always looking to climb higher and learn from each experience. In order to share his journey with others, Ash plans to livestream parts of his expedition on social media, believing that it is important for others to join him on his journey in any way they can.

Of course, Ash's travels have not been without their difficulties. He has faced everything from spider bites to being followed by wolves. But it is thoughts of his loved ones back home that keep him motivated during the toughest times. He knows that he can rely on his previous experiences and the support of his family and friends to get him through any challenges that come his way.

As for the future, Ash is not too concerned about breaking more world records. Instead, he wants to focus on exploring places that truly interest him and sharing his journeys with the world through social media and video. You can follow along with Ash's journey starting on August 20 on his Instagram and X accounts @ash_dykes and @AshDykes.

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