After thinking I could never walk again, I am now able to run marathons.

Life felt renewed and rejuvenated from that point forward.

July 20th 2024.

After thinking I could never walk again, I am now able to run marathons.
It was the year 2003, I was 42 years old when I encountered a troubling incident. It started with a simple backache but soon turned into something much more serious. My joints became inflamed and I was in excruciating pain. I was prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatory tablets, but they didn't seem to work. I ended up bedridden for weeks, unable to move. Even after seeing a doctor and getting a blood test, there was still no clear diagnosis. I suspected rheumatoid arthritis, as my mother had it, but the tests came back negative.

I was diagnosed with polyarthritis, a condition where multiple joints are inflamed at the same time, but it wasn't until 2013 that I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, an autoimmune condition that attacks the body's joints and tendons. It was a relief to finally have a name for what I was going through, but it also meant that my life would never be the same. I had seen the effects of this disease firsthand through my mother's struggles and now it seemed like I was headed in the same direction.

I started receiving steroid injections and taking medication, but it wasn't a permanent solution. I was still experiencing painful flare-ups, and eventually, I was made redundant from my job. A rheumatology nurse suggested an elimination diet to see if I had any food intolerances that could be making the arthritis worse. I found that red meat, bacon, cheese, and eggs seemed to trigger my flare-ups, so I made the decision to become an ethical vegan. It definitely helped, but my ultimate goal was to reduce my dependence on medication.

With the support of my doctor, I tried to wean off my medication twice, but both times I experienced more frequent flare-ups. I even had a scary incident with my eyesight. It seemed like I was destined to be on medication for the rest of my life. That's when I had an unexpected encounter that changed everything.

One day, I decided to try jogging with my dogs on the beach near my home. I didn't have proper running shoes, but I thought the soft sand would be forgiving. It was tough at first, my muscles and tendons felt out of place, but I persisted. Each day, I went a little further until I was able to run a full mile. I was ecstatic with my progress.

Then, I met a fellow vegan and runner who also happened to have rheumatoid arthritis for 10 years. She told me about her journey to becoming a whole food vegan and how it had changed her life. I was hesitant at first, afraid that I would experience flare-ups or lose my eyesight, but I decided to give it a try.

To my surprise, my condition improved significantly. Not only did I have less frequent flare-ups, but I was also able to reduce my medication. I even started training for a marathon, something I never thought possible before. It was a true testament to the power of a whole food plant-based diet and my determination to not let my condition define me.

Looking back on my journey, I am grateful for all the support I received from my running friends and family, but most of all, I am proud of myself for never giving up and finding what works for me. Running and a whole food plant-based diet have truly given me my life back. I may have started at the age of 42, but at 60 years old, I am now a marathon runner.
The year was 2003 and I was 42 years old when everything changed. It started with a simple backache, but soon my joints became inflamed and I was in excruciating pain. Despite being dosed up on painkillers and anti-inflammatory tablets, I ended up bedridden for weeks. When I finally saw a doctor, my blood tests came back negative for rheumatoid arthritis, which was my initial fear due to my mother's own experience with the disease.

However, I was diagnosed with polyarthritis, a condition where multiple joints are inflamed at the same time. While it was a relief to have a name for what was happening to my body, it also came with the realization that my life would never be the same. I had witnessed my mother's daily battles with the disease and I knew the potential for it to become debilitating.

Over the next 10 years, I tried various medications and treatments, but nothing seemed to fully alleviate my symptoms. Then, in 2013, I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, an autoimmune condition that attacks the joints and tendons. I began receiving steroid injections and taking a drug called methotrexate, but even with these treatments, I still experienced painful flare-ups.

In 2016, I was feeling fed up and unfit, so I made a sudden decision to start jogging on the beach with my dogs. Despite not owning proper running shoes, I pushed through and eventually managed to run a whole mile. It was a huge accomplishment for me, but I was still worried about my condition and the possibility of flare-ups or losing my eyesight.

Then, by chance, I met a fellow vegan and runner who had also suffered from rheumatoid arthritis. She introduced me to a whole food plant-based diet and encouraged me to continue running. I was skeptical at first, but I gave it a try and was amazed by the results. Not only did my symptoms improve, but I also felt more energized and empowered.

Now, at the age of 60, I am about to complete my first ever marathon. It's a moment that I never thought possible when I was bedridden and in pain all those years ago. I am grateful to my running friends, family, and most importantly, myself for never giving up and finding what works for me. Running and a whole food plant-based diet have truly given me my life back.

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