Wanda Durant spoke at Bowie State's 2024 graduation ceremony.

"Mama Durant" inspires BSU graduates with advice.

June 3rd 2024.

Wanda Durant spoke at Bowie State's 2024 graduation ceremony.
On a beautiful May day, Wanda Durant took center stage at Bowie State University, delivering a powerful and inspiring speech to the Class of 2024. As the mother of NBA superstar Kevin Durant, Wanda has become an influential figure, known for her unwavering support and guidance for her sons and the community.

Growing up in the nearby town of Capitol Heights, Wanda faced many challenges. She candidly shared with the graduates that during her time, the town was known as the "drug capital of the world." Despite these circumstances, Wanda never let it define her. Instead, she used her experiences to motivate and encourage others to reach for their dreams.

With pride and admiration, Wanda told the graduates that when she looks at them, she sees herself and her sons. She knows firsthand the struggles and sacrifices they have made to get to this point. She reminded them that their success is not just for themselves but also for those who will follow in their footsteps. It is a responsibility to pave the way for future generations to come.

As the president of the Durant Family Foundation, Wanda has dedicated herself to uplifting underprivileged youth through various initiatives. The foundation's website showcases the far-reaching impact they have had since its establishment in 2013. Wanda's commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of young people is truly inspiring.

Bowie State University recognized Wanda as a "dynamic leader, a beacon of inspiration, an advocate, and a force for change." Her messages of hope, resilience, and the power of belief have reached diverse audiences, from corporations to non-profit organizations, college campuses, and youth groups. Wanda's remarkable journey and unwavering spirit have also been captured in the film "The Real MVP: The Wanda Durant Story," produced by Queen Latifah.

Aside from co-founding and leading OUR Mothers Inc., an NBA mothers' collective, Wanda has also been invited to speak at prestigious events such as the White House United States of Women Summit and the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Annual Legislative Conference. Her voice and experiences have touched the hearts of many, and she continues to use her platform to empower and uplift others.

In her closing remarks, Wanda reminded the graduates to have a plan attached to their dreams. She encouraged them to keep striving and pushing forward, no matter the challenges they may face. As they embark on their journey, Wanda's words of wisdom will surely stay with them, guiding them towards a bright and successful future.

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