Mail carriers in Australia sustain injuries on a weekly basis, according to data.

Hundreds of postal workers have suffered injuries that required hospitalization, time off work, and emotional distress.

October 8th 2024.

Mail carriers in Australia sustain injuries on a weekly basis, according to data.
It's quite alarming to know that Australian posties, the ones responsible for delivering our mail, are getting injured at least once a week. They endure broken bones and even suffer from concussions while carrying out their duties across the country. Recent data has revealed that in the past financial year, a staggering 86 posties have been injured to the point where they needed to be hospitalized, take time off work, and even experience psychological trauma.

One of the main reasons for these accidents is due to drivers not paying attention when using roundabouts or driving at high speeds. This is according to General Manager of Safety, Rod Maule, who described the high number of posties involved in traffic incidents as "extremely concerning". He also added, "It's disheartening to see so many posties being knocked off their vehicles or swerving off the road in order to avoid more serious accidents."

In light of this issue, Australia Post is urging the federal government to allow the company to install flashing lights on their motorcycles. This would greatly improve the visibility of posties, making it easier for other drivers to see them on the road. Maule also mentioned that they have already taken other safety measures such as installing telematics on their fleet of electric delivery vehicles, motorcycles, vans, and trucks.

However, Maule stressed that it's not just up to them to ensure the safety of posties, but also the responsibility of all drivers on the road. He emphasized the need for drivers to be alert and keep an eye out for posties, especially since they frequently stop and travel at lower speeds compared to other vehicles. Maule also proposed the idea of flashing lights on eDVs and motorcycles, citing that if they are effective in protecting garbage collectors and street sweepers, they are worth trying out for posties as well.

Aside from drivers not paying attention, other common incidents that result in postie injuries include failing to stop at give way or stop signs, not leaving enough space when driving, and using mobile phones while behind the wheel. Maule reminded drivers to be mindful of posties, as they can easily be missed due to their smaller vehicles. He added, "Let's not forget that they play a crucial role in our daily lives by delivering our mail."

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