Louisiana's new law prohibits standing too close to police.

Louisiana has passed a law banning standing within 25 feet of a police officer while they are on duty or after their duty has ended.

May 31st 2024.

Louisiana's new law prohibits standing too close to police.
A new law has been passed in Louisiana that will prohibit individuals from standing within 25 feet of a police officer while they are performing their duties. This legislation, which was signed into law by Gov. Jeff Landry on May 28, aims to enhance public safety in the state. Flanked by law enforcement officials, Gov. Landry expressed his commitment to addressing this important issue.

The bill was authored by Rep. Bryan Fontenot, a former police officer, who believes that this law will help protect the safety of officers. In an interview with Fox 8 New Orleans, Fontenot stated that there has been a rise in violence towards police officers across the country and it was crucial to find a safe distance for officers to do their job without compromising their safety or the safety of the person they are arresting.

It is worth noting that a similar bill was vetoed by former Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards last year. Gov. Edwards argued that this legislation would infringe on citizens' First Amendment rights by preventing them from freely observing public servants in the performance of their official duties. Several local lawmakers share this concern and fear that this law could hinder witnesses from observing police activities.

In response to the passing of this legislation, Alanah Odoms, executive director of the ACLU of Louisiana, issued a statement condemning it. Odoms believes that this law will limit the public's ability to hold police accountable for any violence or misconduct. She also raised concerns about the practicality of enforcing this law consistently and how it could potentially escalate tensions in situations involving law enforcement. The ACLU urges communities to remain vigilant and safe in light of these developments.

Under this new law, anyone who is found guilty of "knowingly or intentionally" standing within 25 feet of a police officer after being ordered to stop or retreat could face a fine of up to $500, up to 60 days in jail, or both. This law will go into effect on Aug. 1.

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