Look for changes in your skin that may signal skin cancer.

Spot changes quickly by using the 'ABCDE' method.

August 21st 2023.

Look for changes in your skin that may signal skin cancer.
Radio presenter Chris Evans recently revealed that he had been diagnosed with skin cancer. This has shed an important light on the increasing rates of skin cancer in the UK; Cancer Research UK estimates that this number will increase by 50% in the next 20 years.

It's expected that by 2040, a staggering 26,500 cases of skin cancer will be diagnosed each year. This means that it is especially important to be aware of the warning signs and to be diligent in our own skin checks.

Dr Sagar Patel, a dermatology specialist at MyHealthcare Clinic, said: “Unfortunately, the UK is way behind countries such as Australia and the United States when it comes to awareness of moles. While regular mole-mapping is very common in other parts of the world, many Brits simply ignore changes in their skin.”

Skin cancer can be caused by exposure to UV rays, so even though we live in the UK where the climate is often less than ideal, we are still at risk. Symptoms of skin cancer include a change to a mole, freckle or a normal patch of skin, so it's important to be aware of any changes that may occur.

Dr Sagar has a helpful acronym to guide regular checks of your skin: A for asymmetry, B for border, C for colour, D for diameter, and E for evolving. He also advises to have any changes or concerns checked with a specialist.

Some myths associated with skin cancer include that it only affects those with fair complexions and that moles must be itchy or bleeding to be of concern. Dr Sagar reminds us that moles can change over time, becoming raised and altering in colour, shape and size, and that even people with darker skin can be exposed to enough UV rays to damage skin cells.

It is important to check all of our skin, not just our moles, for any changes. Knowledge is key when it comes to staying on top of any potential issues. So, if you notice any changes, be sure to get them checked out as soon as possible.

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