Londoners love Tesco so much it has been given special protection by the council.

Store has been a great benefit to its community.

January 1st 2024.

Londoners love Tesco so much it has been given special protection by the council.
Londoners rejoice! There has been a victory for the local Tesco store in Dean Street, as councillors have granted it protection from developers who wanted to demolish it and replace it with office space and an 'art bazaar'.

The Soho Society, which protects the district, nominated the store for an Asset of Community Value (ACV), meaning that if the property ever goes up for sale, the community will be given the opportunity to buy it. This was met with agreement from the council, who described the store as offering 'the best range of products and price points in the area'.

Councillor Geoff Barraclough, Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development, expressed his delight at the decision. He said: 'Local supermarkets are staples of daily life, and it is well known that there are fewer places in Central London for grocery shopping. That is why I am pleased we can mark this supermarket in Soho as an asset to the community, acknowledging that it is serving local people by providing space for a wide range of affordable food.'

The news of the store's protection was welcomed by local residents, with David Bieda saying: 'You can't buy your fruit and vegetables with a bit of public art'.

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