Claire Sweeney announces Fiz's unexpected comeback to Coronation Street.

Cassie should be anxious about seeing Fiz!

January 1st 2024.

Claire Sweeney announces Fiz's unexpected comeback to Coronation Street.
Cassie Plummer has been making waves in Coronation Street, but soon, the return of Fiz Stape could change things in the Stape/Dobbs/Plummer household. Fiz has been in Norwich for a while now, so she has yet to meet Cassie, who is Evelyn's daughter and Tyrone's biological mother.

Cassie is trying to turn her life around after her drug addiction, and she's doing her best to be a good person for her family. Claire Sweeney, who plays Fiz, is looking forward to seeing the dynamic between Cassie and Fiz when they finally meet.

“I don’t know how Cassie is going to feel but personally I’m really excited to work with Jennie”, Claire said. “Will that change when Fiz comes back? Cassie will do her best, but there will be an element of competition. The dynamic of Fiz and Evelyn’s relationship could upset Cassie. It’s going to be so interesting to see.”

Claire remarked that Fiz has become part of the family since she's been away, and she's been able to form new relationships outside the household as well. Fortunately, Cassie's addiction is under control and she's part of a family now - something she's always wanted.

Over Christmas, Evelyn and Cassie, who had a strained relationship, started to bond over a neglected dog. “I do think there’s a love there between them now and I love that”, Claire said. “There’s real affection there in certain moments, just a look between them or Evelyn backing her up on something.”

No matter what Cassie faces in the coming weeks, she will always try to protect the little family set-up she now has. Claire said, “She tries to do things to help people like fix her mum up with Roy, or take Roy on a joyride to get Evelyn the present. Everything starts off from a good place and goes wrong. When things go wrong she thinks she is going to lose that family setup and she will do anything to protect that.”

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