Londoners can enjoy free pasta dishes at five Tube stations on World Pasta Day 2023.

It won't cost you a penny.

October 22nd 2023.

Londoners can enjoy free pasta dishes at five Tube stations on World Pasta Day 2023.
It's time to get excited - October 25th is World Pasta Day! What better way to celebrate than with a delicious meal of free pasta?

The World Pasta Congress, which is made up of culinary experts from around the world, decided to dedicate a day to honor the cultural impact of pasta and its consumption. In 1995, October 25th was chosen as World Pasta Day.

If you're in London on Wednesday and looking for a way to mark the big day, you won't want to miss Pasta Evangelists' special event. They will be popping up at five London Underground stations and serving up free portions of some of their most beloved pasta dishes. From 11:30am to 1:30pm, commuters can snag a free bowl of beef shin ragu, arrabbiatta, wild mushroom pasta, or classic carbonara.

As part of the event, the stations will also be undergoing an Italian-style rebrand. Camden Town will be renamed Camdenlloni Town, Tooting becomes Tootelloni, Farringdon turns to Farfallingdon, Clapham Junction is Claphamellini, and Fulham Broadway is now Fusilli.

So, what are you waiting for? Come and spaghet-it!

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