Letters discuss various topics, including parks in the East Bay, gas prices, Democratic votes, Kamala Harris' experience, and the role of racism.

Letters to the Editor from the East Bay Times on October 20, 2024.

October 18th 2024.

Letters discuss various topics, including parks in the East Bay, gas prices, Democratic votes, Kamala Harris' experience, and the role of racism.
Dear readers,

I wanted to take a moment to remind you that you can submit your letters to the editor via this form. We always appreciate hearing from our readers and value your opinions. Additionally, if you're interested in reading more letters to the editor, be sure to check out our section dedicated to them.

Now, I'd like to take a moment to highlight a candidate running for Ward 4 in the East Bay Regional Park District. I strongly support and endorse Susan Gonzales for this position. She has a clear understanding of the pressing issues facing our community and is committed to taking action to maintain and improve our current infrastructure. She also recognizes the importance of reviewing funding, ensuring appropriate staffing levels, and addressing the impact of climate change, particularly sea level rise. With almost 40 years of experience in public service, including 16 years as part of the park district's executive staff, Susan is the best candidate for this important role. I urge you to join me in voting for her.

Moving on to a different topic, I recently came across an article discussing the closure of a California refinery and the potential impact on gas prices. Many are concerned that this closure will lead to an increase in gas prices, rather than a decrease. While the cost of gas in California is driven by a combination of factors, including high taxes and compliance with regulatory requirements, it is uncertain how forcing refineries to keep more gas on hand will ultimately affect prices. Some argue that it will only decrease the freshness of the gas. This is a complex issue, and we must continue to advocate for solutions that benefit consumers.

I want to address a question raised by Fox News during an interview with Kamala Harris. They asked, "Why did six Democratic senators vote against the border bill?" The answer is simple: Democrats are not a monolith. Each senator represents a different state with unique priorities, and they have their own visions for what is best for America. It's natural for there to be differences in opinion, and getting 88% agreement on a complex bill is actually quite impressive. On the other hand, loyalty to party seems to be the driving force for many Republicans, as they fear being replaced in their next primary election. This often leads to more uniform voting within the party. So, the next time someone asks you why Democrats don't always vote in lockstep, the answer is simple: because we think for ourselves.

I also want to address a recent letter discussing Kamala Harris' qualifications for president. While I understand the concerns expressed, I believe that her inexperience should not be seen as a disqualifying factor. In fact, it is her fresh perspective and new ideas that make her a strong candidate. We must also consider the character and values of a potential president, rather than solely focusing on their experience. And let's not forget, we currently have a president with no prior political experience, and his actions and decisions have been met with widespread criticism. Experience alone does not guarantee success. So, let's not underestimate the potential of a candidate like Kamala Harris.

Finally, I want to address some concerning comments made by Donald Trump regarding immigrants. His remarks about immigrants bringing "bad genes" to America are not only baseless, but also deeply troubling. We are all descendants of immigrants, unless our ancestors were Inuit, Native American, or Hawaiian. The diversity of our nation is something to be celebrated, not demonized. In fact, immigrants have played a significant role in shaping and improving America. As the creator of the TV show "Bob Hearts Abishola" reminds us, immigrants have made America great. Let's not forget that.

Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts. I hope we can continue to have open and respectful discussions about the issues facing our community and our nation. Let's keep striving for progress and positive change.


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