Leanne Battersby is manipulated by creepy Rowan on Coronation Street following a personal tragedy.

Rowan sees a chance.

April 15th 2024.

Leanne Battersby is manipulated by creepy Rowan on Coronation Street following a personal tragedy.
Leanne Battersby had met Rowan a few weeks ago at a hotel. He introduced himself as the leader of a self-help group called The Institute, and Leanne was immediately drawn to him. Rowan's teachings on reality coding had piqued her interest, much to the concern of her sister Toyah and friend Nick Tilsey. They were worried that Leanne was getting too caught up in her admiration for Rowan's beliefs.

Despite Toyah's warnings about the potential harm of Rowan's teachings, Leanne couldn't get enough. She was completely enthralled by his words and was even willing to distance herself from her sister at Rowan's urging. In fact, when Leanne video called Rowan to update him on Toyah's negative opinions about The Institute, he encouraged her to cut ties with her altogether.

Meanwhile, Toyah was searching the park for Freddie the dog when she stumbled upon three people digging up a rose bed. They claimed to have seen Freddie digging in the same spot, and suspected that Roy had buried Lauren's body there. In a fit of rage, Toyah grabbed a shovel and smashed their car window. But as her emotions spiraled, she ended up confessing to Nick about a deep secret she had been keeping for years.

At 19 years old, Toyah had given birth to a stillborn baby girl and buried her in the same spot in the park where the sleuths were digging. She also revealed that the baby's father was Phil Simmonds, the man who had raped her in the early 2000s. This confession left Nick in shock and Toyah feeling betrayed, especially when Leanne told him that he should have never kept Toyah's secret from her.

But despite all of this drama, Leanne continued to be drawn to Rowan and his teachings. She felt like he was the only one who truly understood her and could guide her towards a more positive mindset. During their meetings, Leanne opened up to Rowan about all the hardships she had faced in life, and he listened intently. He even went as far as to subtly isolate her from her loved ones by promising to be by her side every step of the way.

As Rowan's influence over Leanne grew stronger, Toyah tried to intervene, but found Nick too busy with Leanne to listen. It seemed like she was losing her sister to Rowan and his manipulative ways. How far was this going to go? Only time would tell.

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As Leanne tried to express her concerns about Rowan, he continued to manipulate her and convinced her that it was time for her to put herself first. And as Toyah walked into the Bistro to find Nick running off his feet while Leanne was off spending time with Rowan, she couldn't help but wonder how far this would go.

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