People are criticizing Netflix for promoting a stand-up comedy special with a controversial and offensive title.

Netflix is facing criticism for providing a platform for controversial individuals.

July 9th 2024.

People are criticizing Netflix for promoting a stand-up comedy special with a controversial and offensive title.
Next on the agenda for Netflix is the release of a new comedy show that has already sparked quite a bit of controversy among viewers. The streaming giant has just unveiled the trailer for "Burn The Boats," a live stand-up special featuring none other than the infamous Joe Rogan. This will be Rogan's first show on Netflix in six years, following the success of his previous specials, "Triggered" in 2016 and "Strange Times" in 2018. However, not everyone is thrilled about his return to the platform.

Scheduled to air on August 3 at 7pm PT/10pm ET, the trailer for "Burn The Boats" has stirred up some strong reactions from the public. Many have made it clear that they will not be tuning in, criticizing Netflix for giving a platform to what they consider to be one of the "worst people." In the 30-second clip, Rogan, who is 56 years old, confidently addresses the energetic crowd, saying, "Don't get mad at me, you know why you came here." He then continues to entertain the audience, exclaiming, "Feel that? That's some ride-home arguments in the air." Rogan wraps up the trailer by teasing, "There's no coming back from this," hinting at the controversial content that will be discussed in the show.

The release of the trailer on social media has prompted a wave of criticism from users. One person, who goes by the username Dragon_King1973, commented, "I don't want to watch anything with a pseudoscience platforming idiot who also spreads general bigotry." Another user, SimonJadis, described the project as "disgusting," and Bittersweet888 declared, "Oh, heck no." Chef_Loxworthy expressed their distaste for Rogan's stand-up, calling it "pure trash," while Bionix01 added, "Joe Rogan has never been funny. I understand why his podcast is successful, but his comedy career has never made sense to me." A frustrated user named indel wrote, "I am not at all surprised by Netflix continuing to give the worst people a platform."

Rogan has been a controversial figure for quite some time, especially on his podcast, which has released over 2,200 episodes. He has been previously criticized for spreading misinformation about Covid-19. In 2022, several high-profile musicians, including Neil Young and Joni Mitchell, pulled their songs from Spotify, where Rogan's podcast is available, as a form of protest against his anti-vax rhetoric. In response, Rogan denied intentionally spreading misinformation and promised to try to balance out controversial viewpoints with other perspectives. This resulted in a disclaimer being placed at the beginning of his videos. In addition, Spotify removed several episodes of his podcast after he was found to have used racial slurs in recordings.

Amidst the controversy, Indie.Arie shared resurfaced footage on social media of Rogan using the N-word. This caused even more backlash, with Arie explaining that she finds Rogan "problematic for reasons other than his Covid interviews," particularly criticizing "his language around race." In response, Rogan posted a video on Instagram, calling his comments "the most regretful and shameful thing that [he's] ever had to talk about publicly." He argued that his words were taken out of context and stated, "I never used [the N-word] to be racist because I'm not racist."

Rogan has also faced criticism for other problematic comments, including those made in February 2024, where he invoked the views of AIDS denialist Peter Duesberg, claiming that party drugs were a major factor in the spread of AIDS. The American Foundation for AIDS Research criticized Rogan for "disseminating false information." He has also been known for his anti-vax views, anti-trans comments, and for his criticisms of "cancel culture."

"Burn The Boats" will premiere on Netflix on August 3. If you have a celebrity story, video, or pictures, feel free to get in touch with the entertainment team at The Agency by emailing us, calling 020 3615 2145, or visiting our Submit Stuff page. We would love to hear from you. And in other news, beloved WWE superstar may be taking some time off after undergoing surgery for brutal injuries. Plus, Richard E Grant celebrates his daughter Olivia's marriage with a heartwarming newlywed photo.

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