Kevin Hart's show in Egypt was called off due to reports of Egyptians being angry over Hart's comment that he was "black" when visiting the country.

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February 24th 2023.

Kevin Hart's show in Egypt was called off due to reports of Egyptians being angry over Hart's comment that he was

It appears that due to the alleged comments made by Kevin Hart, his scheduled performance in Cairo was canceled due to local logistical issues. Al-Monitor reported that the comedian faced backlash for supposedly saying that ancient Egyptians were black, although there is no definitive proof that he made such a statement. Social media users in Egypt had been very vocal about the rumored comments, leading to the #CancelKevinHart hashtag trending in the weeks before the show. R Productions released a statement on their social media accounts to announce the cancelation, asking for their clients' patience as they work with TicketsMarché to issue refunds.

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