Kate is joined by her children, Louis, George, and Charlotte, for her first public appearance of the year.

Prince Louis, the media's new favorite, has been spotted making faces and pointing during his carriage ride.

June 15th 2024.

Kate is joined by her children, Louis, George, and Charlotte, for her first public appearance of the year.
The Royal children were seen having a great time in the midst of the bustling city of London. It was the first public appearance of the Princess of Wales since Christmas Day 2023, and she was accompanied by her three lovely children. Princes George and Louis, along with Princess Charlotte, were beaming with joy as they rode in a carriage during the grand Trooping the Colour event.

The media darling, Prince Louis, was already making his mark with his adorable expressions and pointing at various things along the carriage route. The streets were filled with excited crowds, all eager to catch a glimpse of the royal family. However, the sudden rain forced most of them to take cover under hoods and umbrellas.

As the massive parade made its way through central London, the crowds grew even bigger with people hoping to get a closer look at the royal family. And the royal children were lucky enough to have a front-row seat for the entire parade. Little Louis couldn't contain his excitement and was seen grinning sheepishly next to his mother.

It was a special day for Kate, as it was her first public outing since her cancer diagnosis. Despite her ongoing treatment, she looked radiant and happy to be out and about. In a statement released before her appearance, Kate expressed her gratitude for all the love and support she had received during the past few months.

She mentioned how the kind messages had made a world of difference for both her and William, and had helped them get through the tough times. Kate's treatment was still ongoing and would continue for a few more months, but on the days when she felt well enough, she enjoyed engaging in school activities and spending time on things that brought her joy.

She also mentioned that she had started doing a little work from home and was learning to be patient, especially with the uncertainty that came with her illness. Taking each day as it comes and listening to her body was helping her heal, and she was grateful for the much-needed time to focus on her well-being.

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