Is marketing an art

I believe that marketing is part of science, part of art, and it requires that the various disciplines sit on both sides of the fence. Marketing is the purpose of influencing other people's behavior by incorporating their parent brand or organization into a product or service.
There is still an ongoing debate about the role of art versus science in marketing. This debate underscores how the marketing function continues to struggle to assert itself and deliver real commercial value. But, like any good story, we should start at the beginning. So, to delve a little deeper into the data. When I started peeling back the layers of onions, some interesting insights were discovered. 
Very common online "problem", nowadays; In a travel-related company, the only transactions were small online ticket orders worth less than $500. Not the big $5,000 offline orders we wanted to complete over a long sales cycle of 2-3 months. The only data point we cared about was channeling big-ticket sales into our sales pipeline, which we knew would not be completed in 2 or 3 months. So we switched back a gear and told our agency not to worry about immediate ROAs, we would track them for 3-4 months. 
The problem arises when you develop delusions of grandeur and believe that such likely improvements imply actual knowledge of customer thinking. If you exaggerate and revere a model that uses calculation as a magic black box of customer generation, you will be disappointed in your job. This is not a reality, but at best a simplified rapprochement in a narrow context. 
Don't be fooled by the hocus pocus. Many self-proclaimed branding experts speak of the art of branding but refuse to confront the science of measurement. I believe that marketing is a science of art. I also believe that many marketers try to present marketing as art, but they do not measure their results. They relinquish responsibility for their marketing programs.
A team of analysts who understand that marketing is an investment that leads to profit may be wary of calling marketing, "art". A team with creative accountability and measurable results might one day call it, art. A range of lead creation inspirations can provide data that can be measured when marketing isn't working. 
Many aspects of marketing are unrecognizable and unpredictable. On the other hand, other aspects can be measured and calculated. On the one hand, marketing can become an echo chamber and things can get ugly. Ignoring one side for ideological support of art over science is stupid. 
Marketers are obliged to take risks and push boundaries so far that they cannot be exceeded. Playing it safe will not lead to ground-breaking campaigns. The more creative someone is, the more likely they are to cross boundaries. One can argue that art is about execution. 
Creating a website, a website, a video, a written article, an e-book, a flyer, etc., requires marketers to get creative because it is an art form. Not only in the creative context, but also in the formation of concepts and ideas. Consciousness is needed in order to awaken interest, which leads to desire. Marketing funnels, which attract a wide audience, limit them to a few people who have a high purchasing potential. Gimmicks, like "funnels" appear every year and then again as modified versions. The good news is that applying art to marketing makes it repairable. Either way, it is the artists "responsibility to become aware of their work. Very few realistic artists even work with publishers, galleries, licensors or agents on their marketing. 
Some seem to think that marketing works best when it is an art, not a science. Some have even agreed that the art versus science debate has reached the same level as the rivalry in the NFL division, where art and science fans get into fistfights at work. Nick Utton, chief marketing officer at BMC Software, argues that the majority of great campaigns today are 70% science and 30% art. His original background was at Unilever, where the theory was that marketing was 50 / 50. He worked in the financial services industry, where successful campaigns included master cards, priceless e-trades and talking babies. 
At first glance, the high blue and red tips in the middle of the pop-up show that a large percentage of marketers believe that modern marketing is an equivalent mix of science and art. As a humanist and technologist, I know that this is a strange mix of smiles, but I believe that a balanced and integrated worldview is the foundation of modern marketing. You can wear one hat after another and I am not suggesting that we need gloves. The hat for scientists, the hat for artists. Find out what kind of marketing you are going to do today and go from there.