Infant's body contains cocaine and marijuana

The woman was discovered unconscious in her crib.

January 27th 2024.

Infant's body contains cocaine and marijuana
Darryl Avery had a rough day before his daughter, six-month-old Evelynn Simmons-Avery, tragically passed away. She was found unresponsive in her cot, with traces of cocaine and cannabis in her blood. It was a devastating discovery for her parents, who were going through a difficult time in their relationship.

According to witnesses at the Plymouth Coroner's Court, Avery and Evelynn's mom, Charlotte Simmons, had a heated argument the day before. As a result, Avery asked Simmons to leave their flat and he was left to care for their two children on his own. Unfortunately, this was the same day that Avery was involved in a car crash with both children in the car. While Evelynn did not suffer serious injuries from the accident, it was later revealed that her car seat was not properly fitted.

Throughout the day, Simmons tried to reach Avery to check on Evelynn, as she was being breastfed. However, Avery did not respond to her calls. He later returned home, put their other child to bed, and placed Evelynn in her cot beside him. She woke up for a feed at 3am and was put back to sleep. Everything seemed normal until Avery went to check on her at 8am the next morning, only to find her unconscious and not breathing.

Despite Avery's efforts to perform CPR and the arrival of paramedics and the air ambulance, Evelynn could not be revived. It was a heartbreaking moment for Avery, who was later arrested at the hospital after cannabis was found in their home. He admitted to using cannabis but not in front of his children. It was also discovered that he had been dealing cannabis and had a broken taser disguised as an iPhone in his possession.

During the court hearing, Home Office forensic pathologist Dr Deborah Cook explained that Evelynn most likely ingested the metabolites of cocaine and cannabis through her breastmilk. However, due to the fact that she was breastfed by multiple women, it was impossible to confirm the source of the drugs. The levels of both substances in her body were very low and were unlikely to have directly contributed to her death.

Dr Cook also stated that after an extensive post-mortem and additional tests, no concrete medical reason could be found to explain why Evelynn died. She was unable to determine a specific cause of death, and it was recorded as an open conclusion. The coroner also stated that while Avery had been sentenced for child cruelty, based on the evidence presented, it could not be said that his actions caused or contributed to Evelynn's death.

It was a tragic and heartbreaking case, with no clear answers as to why Evelynn passed away. Despite Avery's mistakes and the difficult circumstances surrounding Evelynn's death, it was clear that he loved his daughter and did not intentionally harm her. In the end, a family was left grieving for a precious life lost too soon.

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