Police detain suspect for setting up fraudulent wifi network with the name "evil twin," according to AFP.

The man is accused of tricking people into giving away their personal information.

June 27th 2024.

Police detain suspect for setting up fraudulent wifi network with the name
Today, a man from Western Australia will be appearing in court for allegedly setting up fake "free wifi" access points that were used to steal personal data from unsuspecting victims. This incident was brought to the attention of the Australian Federal Police in April, when an airline reported a suspicious wifi network that was identified by their employees during a domestic flight.

Upon further investigation, the AFP searched the man's baggage when he arrived at Perth Airport on April 19 from an interstate flight. They found a portable wireless access device, a laptop, and a mobile phone in his possession. As a result, they also searched his home in Palmyra. However, it wasn't until May 8 that the man was arrested and charged with multiple cyber-crime offences, after a thorough examination of the seized devices.

According to the police, the man used a portable wireless access device to create "evil twin" free WiFi networks, tricking unsuspecting users into thinking they were legitimate services. When people tried to connect to these networks, they were directed to a fake webpage that required them to enter their email or social media login information. These details were then saved to the man's devices.

The AFP believes that the stolen email and password details could potentially be used to access even more personal information, such as online communications, stored images and videos, or even bank details. They have also identified data related to the use of these fraudulent WiFi pages at various airports, including Perth, Melbourne, and Adelaide, as well as other locations linked to the man's previous employment.

While the investigation is still ongoing, the police are urging people to be cautious when connecting to public wifi networks. They recommend accessing official advice on the matter, which can be found here. As always, it's important to stay vigilant and protect your personal information.

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