IIT and ILS work together to create TB vaccine.

Bhubaneswar: IIT Bhubaneswar and ILS signed an MoU to focus on developing a tuberculosis vaccine and enhancing technical education in biological sciences.

May 31st 2024.

IIT and ILS work together to create TB vaccine.
The city of Bhubaneswar witnessed a significant step towards the advancement of tuberculosis research and development as two renowned institutions, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar and Institute of Life Sciences, joined hands in a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on Thursday. The aim of this collaboration is to elevate the standard of technical education, specifically in the fields of biological sciences, molecular biology, and microbiology. The MoU was signed by Rajesh Roshan Dash, the dean of Sponsored Research and Industrial Consultancy at IIT Bhubaneswar, and Debasis Dash, the director of ILS. The director of IIT Bhubaneswar, Shreepad Karmalkar, was also present during the signing ceremony.

During the event, Karmalkar highlighted the significance of this partnership and stated that it would create a conducive environment for research in various aspects of life sciences, leading to the development of treatments and cures for various diseases and ailments. He also mentioned that IIT Bhubaneswar, being a provider of technical knowledge, is eagerly looking forward to this collaboration to foster innovation in this field. On the other hand, Debasis Dash expressed his gratitude and stated that this MoU between the two premier institutions would not only bring about a transformation in biological sciences research but also help Odisha establish a benchmark in this domain. He also emphasized the special focus on developing a vaccine for tuberculosis prevention, which would greatly enhance their efforts.

Under this partnership, faculty members from both institutions will work together and provide training to students in their respective areas of expertise, based on mutually agreed programs. The two institutions also plan to jointly organize symposia, colloquiums, workshops, seminars, and conferences on various topics, as well as conduct collaborative research projects. This collaboration is expected to bring about significant progress in the field of life sciences, and with the joint efforts of IIT Bhubaneswar and ILS, it is believed that they will contribute to the development of new and innovative solutions to combat diseases and improve the quality of academic practices.

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