I went out with a well-known musician, but I didn't know his identity at first.

Watching your date from the main stage is a great way to kick off a first date.

July 20th 2024.

I went out with a well-known musician, but I didn't know his identity at first.
Back in the summer of 2012, I had the opportunity to go to a music festival in Spain with my sister and her group of friends. I didn't hesitate to say yes - what could be better than a beach vacation with live music? It was the night before the festival began when I first met John. He was a friend of a friend and ended up being a lifesaver when my sister lost her phone. As we all searched for it, John and I struck up a conversation at the bar.

My sister subtly leaned over and whispered to me that John was the bassist in one of her favorite bands. I had no idea who he was, but I was pleasantly surprised by his charming and kind demeanor. There was a flirty energy between us, but I was mostly just grateful for his help with my sister.

Throughout the festival, we stuck with John and his friends, who turned out to be well-connected with backstage passes. I even got my own wristband to join them. It was surreal and exciting to be a part of their world, but they were all down-to-earth and made me feel comfortable. John and I found ourselves alone a lot, chatting and laughing non-stop. We even made plans to meet up during the day.

As the festival came to an end, our group decided to stay an extra night in Spain. I couldn't bear to leave so soon, especially with someone waiting for me. At the time, I was dating someone named Sam, but I didn't mention it to John or my sister. I was drawn to John's gentlemanly nature and didn't want to complicate things. However, my attraction to him was growing stronger.

I eventually ended things with Sam and John asked me to join him and his band at Reading and Leeds Festival in the UK. Of course, I said yes! It was like a dream come true to watch some of the most popular bands from the side of the main stage and get VIP treatment. We continued to see each other after the festival, going on dates and spending time with each other's families.

But, as quickly as it started, our relationship fizzled out. I realized that I was more infatuated with the idea of John than actually being with him. It was a bittersweet ending, but I will always cherish the memories from that summer. John and I remained in touch, but our conversations were casual and never lasted long.

Years later, I attended a festival where John's band was playing with my new boyfriend, Lee. I had told Lee about my brief fling with John, and he wanted to see the band live. However, after a fight and a few drinks, I ended up texting John and partying with his band instead of being with Lee. I later apologized to Lee and we worked things out, but it was a lesson learned.

Today, Lee and I are still together and we've seen John's band a few times. The awkwardness is gone, and I'm grateful for the experience and for introducing me to the indie music scene. Dating a rockstar may seem like a dream, but it's not all it's cracked up to be. I'll always look back on that summer with fondness, and I'm thankful to have shared it with John.

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