I own lots of games but I'm not playing any of them.

Reader overwhelmed by too many choices, resulting in not playing anything.

July 22nd 2023.

I own lots of games but I'm not playing any of them.
Is there such a thing as too many games? For one reader, the sheer amount of Game Pass, Switch, and retro titles they own has become an overwhelming problem. With so much choice, they end up playing nothing at all.

The reader’s dilemma began when they took advantage of a Black Friday deal and purchased a 5TB USB 3.2 drive. They then proceeded to offload all their Xbox One and original Xbox games onto the drive, as well as downloading as many Xbox One and original Xbox Game Pass games, and previous Xbox Gold games, that they could. In total, they had a staggering 146 games, with 30 in the queue.

But this soon became a problem as the reader’s obsession with downloading as much Game Pass content as possible started to take over. Even clicking through titles they didn’t care about, they realised they had become paralysed by choice and were unable to choose one game to play.

The reader also had around 200GB worth of digital games on their Switch, as well as a 1000 physical games and all the original consoles to play them on. On top of that, they also engaged in the ‘dark art’ of emulation. When they calculated just how many games they owned, they estimated it to be a whopping 50,000!

This collection was so large that it was preventing them from committing to a gaming session. Everything was so easily accessible that they found themselves flitting between titles, unable to decide what to play. With the ease of downloading and purchasing games today, they commented that it’s become too easy to build a massive library of games that you can quickly flick between.

The reader concluded that they would usually stick to quick games like Burnout or various versions of Street Fighter, as well as the occasional Nintendo game. They also quipped that they could only imagine what their collection would look like if they were into PC gaming/Steam.

It’s clear that the reader is not alone in being paralysed by choice when it comes to owning too many games. With the ease of downloads and the wide range of titles available, it’s easy to build up a massive library of games, but it can also be difficult to commit to one and actually enjoy it.

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