I had a quick date and hooked up with a stranger against a wall.

A former soldier, he exhibits extraordinary strength.

September 13th 2024.

I had a quick date and hooked up with a stranger against a wall.
Nina, a 26-year-old publicist, shares her experience with dating and sex in this week's edition of How I Do It. Despite having a friend with benefits and a regular sex life, she has been trying to break away from dating apps and explore more "organic" ways of meeting people. However, she admits to often being lured back in by the convenience and validation these apps provide.

In her pursuit of more meaningful connections, Nina has been curious about attending singles events such as dinner parties, speed dating, and singles nights. She believes that these events often lead to better chemistry and more satisfying sex. She explains that in-person flirting creates a sexual tension that is often lacking in online dating, leading to more fireworks in the bedroom.

But Nina also admits to having a conflicted relationship with sex. Despite enjoying it, she has struggled with faking orgasms in past relationships, feeling pressure to please her partner and not take too long. However, she is now determined to change her habits and be more vocal about her desires.

Nina's week kicks off with a Hinge date, but it doesn't go as well as she had hoped. The guy, Marcus, is overly sexual and turns her off with his aggressive behavior and inappropriate questions. She decides to call it an early night and prioritize her own comfort and well-being over forcing a connection with someone she actively dislikes.

The next morning, Nina feels proud of herself for leaving the date early and not giving in to her old habit of sleeping with someone she's not interested in. She realizes that the most important person to please is herself and not others. Later that day, she goes on a date with James, a guy she knows from her industry. Although they had gone on a date before, they never clicked romantically. This time, however, things seem to be going well and they end the night with a good kiss.

Nina and James make plans to see each other again when she returns from her upcoming holiday. In the meantime, she spends time with friends, discussing the pros and cons of dating apps versus meeting people in person. Despite her struggles, Nina remains hopeful and open to new experiences, determined to find someone who makes her feel comfortable and satisfied in and out of the bedroom.
Nina, a 26-year-old publicist, has been on a journey to switch up her dating habits. While she currently has a friends with benefits and engages in sexual activity once or twice a week, she has been trying to move away from using dating apps and instead explore more organic ways of meeting potential partners. Despite her efforts, she admits that she often finds herself being lured back into the world of online dating due to a lack of self-esteem and a desire for validation.

However, Nina has found alternative ways of meeting people, such as attending dating events like dinner parties, speed dating, and singles nights. She believes that these events often lead to more chemistry and better sexual experiences compared to online dating. In-person flirting creates a sexual tension that she finds lacking in the digital world, resulting in more satisfying sexual encounters.

But Nina's relationship with sex is not without its complications. She admits to faking orgasms with her previous long-term boyfriends, not because they were bad in bed, but because she is a people-pleaser and worries about taking too long. However, she is now striving to be more open and vocal about her needs and desires.

Monday starts with Nina working from home, still recovering from a recent holiday. She has a date planned for the evening with a man she met on Hinge, but their chemistry falls flat due to his overly aggressive and sexual demeanor. Nina decides to call it an early night, realizing that forcing a connection with someone she doesn't like would not lead to a fulfilling sexual experience.

The following day, Nina wakes up feeling proud of herself for leaving the date early, something she admits she wouldn't have done in the past. She has another date scheduled with someone she knows from her industry, and this time it goes much better. They hit it off, and Nina feels the familiar spark of attraction. They end the date with a kiss, and Nina follows her signature move of leaving him wanting more.

After a busy day at work on Wednesday, Nina meets up with friends for drinks and dinner. The conversation inevitably turns to dating, and they debate the merits of dating apps versus meeting people in person. Nina shares her experiences with both and how she's trying to find a balance between the two.

Despite her struggles and conflicted feelings, Nina is determined to continue exploring new ways of meeting potential partners and being more vocal about her needs and desires in the bedroom. She hopes that by doing so, she will find more fulfilling and satisfying sexual experiences.

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