I am a Gen Y supervisor, I decline clients to leave work.

The older generation believes unhappiness equates to success.

July 29th 2024.

I am a Gen Y supervisor, I decline clients to leave work.
I am a manager who happens to be a millennial. Sometimes, I have to make tough decisions in order to balance my work and personal life. It's not always easy, especially when dealing with customers who don't understand the challenges of running a business in today's world.

Recently, I came across a TikTok video by Chelsea Mazzetti where she ranted about the advice she received from older generations, specifically Boomers, about how to run her ice cream shop, Modern Cone. She shared how she had a busy shift with a long line of customers, and in order to ensure her staff could leave on time, she capped the line 20 minutes before closing. This decision was made out of consideration for her staff, who are mostly teenagers that have school the next day.

However, when Chelsea announced on Facebook that customers arriving 20 minutes before closing may not get served, she faced a lot of criticism from Boomers. They suggested that she only hire adults or tell her employees to stop complaining about their work hours. Chelsea sarcastically pointed out that there are now more labor laws to follow in 2024, unlike when Boomers were younger.

Despite the backlash, Chelsea stood by her decision to prioritize her staff's well-being over making more money. This sparked a conversation about the different values and priorities between Boomers and younger generations, such as Gen Z and Millennials. While Boomers may value hard work and financial success, younger generations value work-life balance and flexibility. This is why Chelsea was so passionate about her decision to cap the line and ensure her staff could go home on time.

After her video went viral, many Gen Z and Millennials showed their support for Chelsea and shared their own frustrations with older generations trying to dictate how they should work. It's clear that there is a disconnect between the mindsets of Boomers and younger generations, and there needs to be more understanding and compromise on both sides.

While Chelsea received a lot of criticism from Boomers, she also had support from her fellow Gen Z and Millennial peers on TikTok. This shows that there is a growing frustration among younger generations when it comes to the expectations of older generations in the workforce.

In response to the backlash, an employee relations expert explained that businesses have the right to choose when to close and serve customers. They also have a responsibility to respect their employees' work-life balance. However, it's important to handle these situations with caution to avoid any disgruntled customers.

In the end, it's about finding a balance between serving customers and protecting the well-being of employees. While the expectations of customers are important, they should not supersede the rights and needs of staff. It's important to have a mutual understanding and respect between businesses and customers.

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