Great-granddaughter looking to sell rocking horse with a mysterious past.

Seller won't pass item on without warning buyers of its "paranormal" history.

July 23rd 2023.

Great-granddaughter looking to sell rocking horse with a mysterious past.
Kelly, a holistic therapist and devout Christian, is selling a 20th century wooden grey dappled rocking horse which has a rather interesting past. She is the great-granddaughter of renowned spiritual medium Dick Godden, who regularly held séances at his home and believed a young girl named Angela would play with the toy.

Growing up in a spiritualist family and attending her first séance at the age of 15, Kelly has heard of the rocking horse's supernatural past from her great-grandmother. She recalls her great-grandmother's stories of returning home to find the toy in a completely different part of the house from where she had left it.

Kelly's own experiences have also made her uneasy. She says that often while she is working, she hears banging upstairs, and is uncomfortable passing the item on without warning prospective buyers of its 'paranormal' past.

Describing her visits as a child to her great-grandparents' home in Hampshire, she said: "It was a three-storey house and the top bedrooms always felt quite eerie. I remember feeling uneasy going up and down the steep narrow staircase on my own to the top floor where the horse was kept."

Kelly also shared her own experiences with the rocking horse. She said: "We have had the horse since my daughter was a baby, it's why my grandad gave it to me, but she has never been drawn to it or interested in playing on it. I've never seen the rocking horse move rooms. However, the horse lived on the landing and there would often be the sound of someone walking around upstairs. On more than one occasion I would hear a huge bang from one of the rooms upstairs. Thinking it was something falling off a window sill I would rush up there and absolutely nothing would be out of place. It did make me wonder."

Kelly is now passing on the rocking horse, and wants to make sure the new owners are aware of its 'supernatural' past. She said: "I'm sure some people will think I'm crazy but I just feel uneasy having it about the place, especially as my daughter isn't interested in it."

The late Mr Godden was well-known as a paranormalist. During the early 1970s, he investigated purported apparitions at the Electric Cinema in Grace Hill, Folkestone, of a boy believed to have been killed by a falling extractor fan in 1945. This only further adds to the history and mystery of the rocking horse.

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